Page 21 - 職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2016/2017
P. 21

I am pleased to report that over the past   Work-integrated learning has long been an   VTC 一直致力成為亞太區卓越的職業專才
          12 months, the VTC has made important   important teaching and learning approach   教育機構,我很高興過去一年 VTC 積極朝
          progress towards realising its vision of   at the VTC. It gives our students valuable   這願景不斷邁進。我們在第三套八年策略
          being a leading vocational and professional   workplace experience and make them   計劃帶領下,繼續在職業專才教育領域追
          education and training (VPET) provider in   highly sought-after. A notable example is our   求卓越,培育技術領先的專才,為本港
          the region. Guided by our third eight-year   Technological and Higher Education Institute   發展作出貢獻。
          strategic plan, we have continued to pursue  of Hong Kong (THEi) Degree programmes,
          VPET excellence, so as to supply Hong Kong  with up to 480 hours of work-integrated   ڎΣᔷᜊ  ੃ԃԄʑ
          with a pool of highly-skilled professionals   learning embedded into the curriculum,   科技發展和全球化趨勢令傳統工作崗位和
          and contribute to the city’s betterment.   resulting in about 95% employment rate for   模式急速轉型。為此,我們早已訂下明確
                                                its first cohort of graduates.          目標,因應時代轉變培育下一代,讓他們
          Preparing for the new world                                                  有效應對充 滿 挑戰的嶄新職場環境,並具
          of work                               During the year, we also expanded the VTC   備相關技能和知識,促使他們在所屬領域
                                                Earn & Learn Scheme with staunch support   脫穎而出。
          With technological developments and   from the Government and industry. This   為了增強學生的 21 世紀核心技能,我們在年
          globalisation rapidly changing traditional   dual-mode learning model helps young   內繼續重塑他們的學習體驗,加倍著重以工
          working roles and practices, our goal is   professionals build industry knowledge   作實踐輔助學習、推行雙軌制,並鼓勵跨學
          to prepare the next generation for this   and practical skills, preparing them well   科的學習模式。
          challenging new world of work and ensure   for future career success. A new scheme   VTC 一向重視結合職場培訓的教學方法,為
          they have the skills and knowledge to excel   for Medical Centre Operations has been   學生提供寶貴的工作體驗,讓他們成為爭相
          in their chosen fields.                launched in academic year 2016/17,     羅致的人才。香港高等教育科技學院(THEi)
                                                complementing existing programmes for   的學位課程便是顯著例子,當中提供最多
          To advance our students’ 21st century   the electrical and mechanical engineering,   480 小時的工作實習體驗,首批畢業生的
          core competencies, we continued to    construction, automobile and retail    就業率約 95%。
          reshape their learning experience during   industries.
          the year, putting increased emphasis on                                      過去一年,有賴政府和業界鼎力支持,我們
          work-integrated learning, dual-track and                                     亦擴展了 VTC Earn & Learn  職學計劃,這
          multidisciplinary approaches.                                                個雙軌制學習模式幫助年輕專才掌握行業知
                                                                                       準備。於 2016/17 學年,我們新增醫務中

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