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Higher Diploma - Student Sharing

Nikita Chan

"Internship and exchange experience helped me attend local university"

Nikita Chan

  • Graduate, Higher Diploma in Environmental Engineering and Energy Management, IVE
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Master of Science in Environmental Management and Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Currently Assistant Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department

"While studying in IVE's Higher Diploma programme, I joined a study tour to Japan and studied the development of renewable energy technologies with university students. Besides that, I was arranged to work in an local engineering company for job attachment, studying how to improve the seawater quality. The enrich learning experience helped me to study for a Civil and Environmental Engineering degree programme in local university and also a Master programme. I am now an Assistant Environmental Protection Officer in the Environmental Protection Department, developing my career in the field of Environmental Engineering."