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Other Learning Experience

  • To offer students an eye-opening experience and to enable them to benefit from the diverse learning opportunities.
  • To provide students with an eye-opening exploratory experience in the selected industries and to enhance their interest and understanding in the professions.
  • To offer choices and experimentation to support students’ option for ApL courses and help students make informed choices on further studies and career aspiration in due course.
A VTC short course certificate will be issued upon satisfactory attendance and completion of assignments

To cater for the diverse needs of schools and students, OLE programmes can be organized both within and across subject areas to complement different school-based activities such as Project-based Learning, Other Learning Experiences, Life-wide Learning etc. ; the duration, schedule and venue of the programme can also be flexibly arranged. The programme can be conducted in VTC campuses as well as secondary school campuses.

Programmes would be tailor-made to offer a wide variety of learning activities, which includes experimentation of sample learning activities of different study areas, hands-on familiarization practices, talks / demonstration by professionals, visits to industrial sites / IVE campuses, etc.

ApL Courses
    Creative Studies
  • Fashion Image Design
  • Interior Design and Exhibition Design
  • Cultural and Creative Product Design
  • Computer Game and Animation Design
  • Hotel Operations
  • Western Cuisine
  • Child Care and Education
    Media and Communication
  • Film Production
  • Applied Learning (Vocational English) -
    ⠀ English Communication
    Engineering and Production
  • Electrical and Energy Engineering
  • Digital Construction
    Applied Science
  • Food Technology and Nutrition
Please contact the VTC Applied Learning Team at 2836 1264 for more information on the arrangement of Other Learning Experience.