FTS3 Prospectus 2022

31 申請日期 Application Period: 全年招生 Year Round 申請辦法 Application Method: 透過「VTC網上入學申請系統」(https://admission.vtc.edu.hk/onlineform) 遞交入學申請。 Submit application online via the “VTC Web-based Admissions System” (https://admission.vtc.edu.hk/onlineform). 學費 Tuition Fees: 中三畢業生一般可獲學費豁免,詳情請致電2538 2200查詢或瀏覽 : - 酒店及旅遊學院: www.hti.edu.hk - 中華廚藝學院: www.cci.edu.hk - 國際廚藝學院: www.ici.edu.hk The tuition fee will normally be exempted for Secondary 3 graduates. For further enquiries, please call 2538 2200 or visit the Institutes’ websites: - Hotel and Tourism Institute: www.hti.edu.hk - Chinese Culinary Institute: www.cci.edu.hk - International Culinary Institute: www.ici.edu.hk 備註Notes: 1. 學員在受訓期間,必須符合食物處理人員的健康水平,並須於入學前接受一次自費的健康檢查,包括肺部 X 光檢查、小便常規、大 便種菌檢查、甲型肝炎病毒抗體 lgG 測試。若甲型肝炎病毒抗體的測試結果呈現陰性,建議學員注射疫苗。 Students enrolling in these programmes must maintain the health standards required for a food handler throughout the duration of training. This encompasses taking a medical check at students’ own expenses, which includes chest X-ray, urine routine, stool routine, stool culture, hepatitis A virus Ab lgG. For students who have a negative hepatitis A virus antibody result, a vaccine is recommended. 2. 完成相關課程的食品安全單元之學員,可選擇自費報考餐飲業食品安全考試,合格者可獲得由英國皇家公共衛生學會頒發的餐飲服 務食品安全二級獎勵證書。 Upon completion of the programme, student can sit for the Food Safety in Catering examination at their own expense. Successful candidates are awarded “Level 2 Award in Food Safety and Hygiene” which is issued by Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), UK. 3. 申請人須擁有良好嗅覺。 Applicants must have good sense of smell. 4. 為配合課程需要,學員可能被安排於其他分校或地點上課及實習(包括星期六、日、公眾假期或晚上實習)。 Subject to training requirements, students may be arranged to attend lessons and to undergo practical training which may be scheduled on evenings, Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays at other campuses or venues. 5. 學員須自費驗身及購買課程指定之教科書、制服及鞋,如學員未符合指定要求,學院有權取消其入學資格。 Students are required to take a medical check, purchase the designated reference books, uniform and shoes where applicable, at their own costs. The Institutes reserve the rights not to admit students who fail to follow this clause. 入學申請 Application Information 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽入學網頁 https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 證書 ( 酒店及旅遊 / 中華廚藝 / 國際廚藝) Certificate (Hotel and Tourism ∕ Chinese Cuisine ∕ International Cuisine)