FTS3 Prospectus 2022


課程資料 Programme Information 1 目錄 Contents 22 32 成專才 成未來 Nurturing Future Professionals 5 升學階梯 Progression Ladder 職專國際文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate Programmes 初級全能海員證書 Certificate for Junior General Purpose Ratings 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes VTC 職學計劃 VTC Earn & Learn Scheme 6 34 4 證書 ( 酒店及旅遊 / 中華廚藝 / 國際廚藝 ) Certificate (Hotel and Tourism / Chinese Cuisine / International Cuisine) 26

為離校生及在職人士提供具價值的進修選 擇,協助培養正確觀念、掌握知識技能、 積極終身學習、提升就業競爭力; 為業界提供具價值的支援,促進行業人力發展。 To provide a valued choice to school leavers and working adults to acquire values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability. To provide valued supports to industries for their manpower development. 願景 Vision 成為亞太區卓越的職業專才教育機構。 To be the leading provider of vocational and professional education and training in the region. 2 Mission 使命


4 海事訓練學院為中學畢業生、本地及 外國海員,以及海事及岸上機構僱員 提供一系列海事訓練課程。學院亦因 應航海業的本地標準和國際要求,提 供認可必修訓練課程。 MSTI provides a range of courses for secondary school leavers, local and foreign in-service seafarers and employees of marine-related and shore-based industries. It is also the approved institution to provide specific mandatory training courses to meet the local standards and international requirements of the marine industry. 酒店及旅遊學院為中學畢業生提供 專業酒店款接課程。新建的訓練酒 店「The T Hotel」讓學員於實際工作 環境中接受專業培訓。 HTI provides professional training to secondar y schoo l l eaver s i nterested i n the hosp i ta l i t y industry. Its newly opened The T Hotel enables trainees to receive professional training in a real life working environment. 國際廚藝學院為年輕人或在職人士 提供不同程度的專業廚藝培訓課程。 學院將提供多國菜系廚藝培訓,包 括歐洲、地中海、南美洲、中東以 至亞洲等。 ICI prov ides cul inar y t raining for secondary school graduates and in-ser vice personnel which lead to professional cul inar y qualifications at different levels. The programmes wi l l focus on international cuisines, covering European, Mediterranean, South American, Middle Eastern and Asia-Pacific cuisines. 中華廚藝學院為有志投身飲食業人士 及在職廚師提供中廚及餐飲管理訓 練,讓學員取得或提升認可資歷。 CCI provides training in Chinese c u l i n a r y s k i l l s a n d c a t e r i n g management to beginners and practising chefs in the industr y who wish to obtain or upgrade their qualifications in Chinese Cuisine. Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. VTC draws strength from the number of Member Institutions, breadth of programmes and variety of accredited qualifications to provide the youth various valued choices cultivating the passions for learning while imparting the necessary skills and know-how for success. The following VTC’s member institutions offer full-time Diploma of Vocational Education, Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate, and Certificate programmes to post-secondary 3 students: 成專才 成未來 Nurturing Future Professionals 青年學院為中三以上程度青少年提供全日制課程,讓學生按自己的興趣選擇專業科目,為將來升學 或就業作好準備。 Youth College offers a wide range of full-time study choices for youths above Secondary Three to acquire knowledge and skills for further studies and employment. 職業訓練局(VTC)於1982年成立,是香港最具 規模的職業專才教育機構,轄下機構成員眾多, 開辦課程種類廣博,頒授各類認可資歷,為年輕 人提供多元及具價值的進修良機,讓同學掌握專 業技術知識,並培養學習熱忱,引領他們踏上成 功之路。 以下VTC機構成員為中三或以上程度同學開辦全 日制職專文憑、職專國際文憑及證書課程:

5 備註Notes: 1. 職專文憑學生可考慮修讀選修單元「數學3E:升學選修單元」,以符合入學條件包括數學的VTC高級文憑課程。修讀此選修單元或須另 繳學費。 DVE students may consider taking the elective module “Mathematics 3E: Mathematics for Further Studies” for the eligibility to apply for VTC’s Higher Diploma Programmes which require Mathematics as one of their general entry requirements. Students may be required to pay a separate tuition fee for this elective module. 2. 持中專教育文憑/職專文憑的畢業生(於2017/18學年或以前入讀的學生須完成指定升學單元),符合報讀高級文憑課程的一般入學條 件(設有特定入學條件的課程除外)。 Holders of Diploma in Vocational Education / Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) (students admitted to DVE in AY2017/18 or before are required to complete prescribed further studies modules) are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with specific entrance requirements). 3. 修畢職專國際課程後,學生可按其BTEC及IGCSE成績,選擇繼續於職業訓練局升讀學士學位及高級文憑課程。申請人須留意個別課程的 特定入學條件 ( 如適用)。詳情請參閱入學網頁(https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission)。 Upon completion of the Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate (DVB) Programmes, students can progress to degree or higher diploma programmes in VTC, subject to their BTEC and IGCSE results. Students shall pay attention to the specific entrance requirements of some degree / higher diploma programmes (if applicable). Please refer to the Admissions Homepage (https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission) for details. 4. THEi 提供學位銜接課程予相關的高級文憑畢業生。 THEi admits graduates from the relevant Higher Diploma programmes into the senior years of its Degree programmes. 5. 高級文憑畢業生可申請報讀SHAPE與海外大學協辦的學士學位銜接課程或由本地或海外大學開辦的學士學位課程。 Higher Diploma graduates can apply for admission to top-up degree programmes offered by SHAPE in collaboration with overseas universities, or degree programmes offered by local or overseas universities. 升學階梯 Progression Ladder 學士學位課程 5 Degree Programmes 5 完成中三或以上程度 證書課程 Certificate Programmes 職專文憑課程 1 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes1 高級文憑課程 2,3 Higher Diploma Programmes 2,3 職專國際課程 Vocational Baccalaureate Programmes 銜接學士學位課程 5 Top-up Degree Programmes 5 學士學位課程 3,4 Degree Programmes 3,4 Completion of Secondary 3 or above

6 職專文憑 (DVE) 課程設計靈活,通過本地評 審,為中三至中五程度同學,提供一個具價 值的進修途徑,升學就業均獲認可。 同學可因應個人興趣和需要,選讀適合自己 的專業課程。課程設有職專證書(CVE) 及職 專文憑(DVE) 學銜。持有中三、中四或中五 程度的同學一般需時約三年取得DVE學歷。 多元廣泛 照顧不同興趣及需要 專業課程配合多個高增長行業,包括美容及 美髮、機電、汽車、資訊科技、商業、時裝、 珠寶及鐘錶、印刷及酒店業。 課程中有部分單元以中文授課及評核,同學 可以更容易掌握有關的行業知識。 The Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) Programmes, which are accredited locally, adopt a credit-based system with a flexible curriculum. They provide school leavers from Secondary 3 to Secondary 5 with a valued pathway for continued studies and career development. Students can choose from an array of specialisations to suit their own interests and needs. The DVE programmes offer two levels of awards, Certificate of Vocational Education (CVE) and Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE). It normally takes three years for a school leaver from Secondary 3 to Secondary 5 to acquire the DVE award. Diverse Choices for Different Interests and Needs Programmes are designed to cope with development of a wide variety of growth industries, such as beauty care and hairdressing, electrical and mechanical services, automobile, information technology, business, fashion, jewellery, watch and clock, print media and hotel industries. To better equip students’ technical skills in different industries, the medium of instruction and assessments for some modules is in Chinese. 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes

7 設計靈活 就業升學兩皆通 DVE課程設計為學生未來升學及就業作最佳 準備。DVE的畢業生,符合報讀高級文憑課 程的一般入學條件(設有特定入學條件的課 程除外)。同學亦可考慮修讀選修單元「數 學 3E: 升學選修單元」,以符合入學條件包 括中學文憑試數學科第 2 級或以上成績的 VTC高級文憑課程。 取得 DVE 學歷的同學,可選擇就業。部分 畢業生在投身業界的同時,亦可以兼讀形式 繼續進修,獲取更高學歷。個別課程學生更 可選擇參加 VTC Earn & Learn 職學計劃, 一面接受在職培訓,一面讀書進修,期間可 獲取穩定收入及津貼,邊學邊賺。 配合行業需求 學歷獲廣泛認可 課程設計參照有關行業的實際需求及政府 的資歷級別通用指標,升學及就業均獲認 可。部分的CVE 資歷更獲相關政府部門認 可符合申請專業牌照的學歷要求。 通用技能、專業訓練及全人發展並重 平衡學術與專業發展,課程除着重專業核心 單元外,亦包括中、英、數、普通話及資訊 科技等通用單元及全人發展單元,為同學繼 續就業或升學作最佳準備。 Flexible Curriculum for Education and Employment The programmes are designed with dual objectives, preparing students for further studies as well as employment. Holders of Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with specific entrance requirements). DVE students may also consider taking the optional module “Mathematics 3E: Mathematics for Further Studies” for the eligibility to apply for VTC’s Higher Diploma Programmes which require Level 2 or above in HKDSE Mathematics as one of their general entry requirements. Holders of the DVE award may choose to seek employment. Some graduates may pursue further part-time studies while employed. Some students can join the VTC Earn & Learn Scheme, and receive on-the-job training while earning a stable income and allowances. Well Recognised Qualifications The curriculum is designed with reference to market’s needs and the General Descriptors of the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework, providing recognised qualifications for both employment and further studies. Some of the CVE qualifications are recognised by relevant government departments as meeting the academic requirements for license registration. A Balanced Curriculum for All-round Development To help students build a solid foundation for fur ther study and employment, in addition to strong vocational elements, the curriculum also comprises modules for developing generic competence in areas such as Chinese, English, Mathematics, Putonghua, Information Technology and Whole-person Development.

8 在中四畢業後,我報讀了DVE (商業) 課程。此課程除涵 蓋了廣泛的理論課程外,更提供了不同的實務性培訓, 讓我在之後的職場生涯奠定基礎。畢業後,我報讀了香 港專業教育學院的法律及行政事務學高級文憑課程,往 後更成功入讀英國洛森比亞大學的學士學位課程,並 且獲得了二等一級榮譽學位。現在,我在擔任法律助理 一職。 Upon completion of secondary 4, I chose to enroll in DVE (Business) programme. This programme covered a wide range of subjects and hand-on pract i ces which equipped me with useful skills and knowledge requi red in workplace. Af ter graduated f rom this programme, I articulated to the Higher Diploma in Law and Administration and then successfully obtained a second-up honor of bachelor degree in Business (with Law). Now, I am a Legal Assistant. 林俊浩 LAM Chun Ho 石嘉勇 SHEK Ka Yung 我在青年學院有一個愉快的學習歷程。學院的教師充滿熱 誠,悉心締造一個關愛的學習環境,引領我尋找合適的升 學方向,為將來作好準備。畢業後,我入讀了手機軟件開 發高級文憑課程。現在,我任職分析程式員,並把從青年 學院學到的知識運用於工作中。 I had a happy learning experience in Youth College. The teachers were dedicated to creating a caring, supportive and encouraging learning environment. They helped me to identify my learning goals and build a solid foundation for future development. After graduation, I articulated to the Higher Diploma in Mobile Application Development programme. I am working as an Analyst Programmer. I can put the knowledge learnt from Youth College to work. 職專文憑(資訊科技) 手機軟件開發高級文憑 Graduate of DVE (Information Technology) HD in Mobile Application Development 職專文憑(商業) 法律及行政事務學高級文憑 英國洛森比亞大學商業(法律)(榮譽)文學士 Graduate of DVE (Business) HD in Law and Administration BA (Hons) Business (with Law), Northumbria University, UK 畢業生分享 My Story

9 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 商業 Business 專業美容 Beauty Care 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供商業行業所需的基本知識與實務技能 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為助理文書主任、行政助理、會計文員、物流助理、營銷助理、客戶服務主任等 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:顧客服務、辦公室實務及儀器、貿易程序及文件、簿記、進階文書處理 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers mainly fundamental knowledge and skills required in the commercial sector ¡ Graduates may be employed as assistant clerical officers, executive assistants, accounts clerks, logistics assistants, sales co-ordinators, customer service officers, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Customer Service, Office Procedures & Machines, Trading Procedures and Documentations, Book-keeping, Advanced Word Processing 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供專業的美容護理及化妝訓練,教授市場上所需知識與實務技能,並強調專 業操守之培訓,讓學生達到業界的要求 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為: Å 專業美容分流 - 見習美容師、纖體治療師助理、助理美容顧問、化妝品營銷員等 Å 化妝分流 - 化妝師助理、化妝品營銷員等 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:美容護理與科學、眼睫毛護理、化妝及顧問服務、行業之職安健康及 環保 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with professional training in the areas of Beauty Therapy and Make Up. The course delivers the required knowledge and skills with an emphasis on the professional ethics for the Beauty industry to equip students to meet the industry’s needs ¡ Graduates may be employed as: Å Beauty Care Stream – beautician trainees, assistant body therapists, assistant beauty consultants, make up retail consultants, etc. Å Make Up Stream – make-up artist assistants, make up retail consultants, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Science for Beauty Therapy, Eyelash Treatment, Make-up and Consultancy Service, Safety, Health and Environment 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes 分流 Stream 專業美容 Beauty Care (FS113363A) 化妝 Make-up (FS113363B) 商業與服務 Business and Services YC KF YC KF YC TSW YC TSW YC TM YC YCM YC YCM YC YCM

10 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 健體及運動 Fitness and Sports Studies 課程特色 : ¡ 課程涵蓋基本運動學知識、健身方法、以及各種專項運動的實踐與訓練 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為體能訓練助理、教練助理、會所助理、活動助理等 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:運動技巧、基礎運動解剖及生理、康樂體育發展、個人體適能發展 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers mainly fundamental knowledge and practical skills required in the fitness and sports area ¡ Graduates may be employed as fitness training assistants, coaching assistants, club assistants, activity assistants, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Sports Skill Training, Sports Anatomy and Physiology, Recreation and Sports Development, Development of Personal Fitness 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供籌劃及支援商務活動所需的基本知識與技能;加強實務性的培訓,使學生 於職場上能學以致用 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為營銷活動助理、展覽製作助理、節慶活動助理、市務推廣助理、廣告助理、 客戶服務主任等 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:活動行業入門、商務活動策劃原理、舞台燈光音響、攝影與錄像製作 及基礎市場學等 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers mainly fundamental knowledge and skills required in support of the business events ¡ Graduates may be employed as sales event assistants, exhibition assistants, festival event assistants, marketing assistants, advertising assistants, customer service officers, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Introduction to Event Industry, Principles of Business Event Planning, Audio Visual and Staging, Photography and Video and Basic Marketing 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 商務活動營運 Business Event Operations YC TM YC YCM YC KF YC TKO

11 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 酒店學 Hotel Studies 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生裝備所需之專業知識與技能,由最初之輔助性專業人員層面,透過理論與實踐 的融合,使他們能夠投身酒店及相關行業 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為前堂款接員、房務員、餐飲服務員等 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:訂房服務及預算技巧、餐廳推銷技巧、房務部專業知識及技巧 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme equips students with the necessary technical and professional knowledge and skills, initially at paraprofessional level, via the blending of theoretical knowledge and practical application, to enable them to pursue a career in the hotel and other related fields ¡ Graduates may be employed as receptionists, room attendants, food & beverage servers, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Reservations Service and Forecasting Techniques, Dining Room Upselling Techniques, Professional Knowledge and Techniques in Housekeeping 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission YC KB YC PF YC TSW 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 食品科技及營養 Food Technology and Nutrition 課程特色 : ¡ 本課程旨在為學生提供與各食品製造行業相關的食品技術和營養科學基本知識和技能 ¡ 畢業生可以擔任生產技術員,質量保證技術員,食品研發助理,助理採購員和食品實驗室 技術員等職位 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:人類營養學、食品安全與品質管理系統、食品製造與設備操作技能、 食品科學與營養學基礎實驗室技能、食品智慧製造技術、及食品研發 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme aims at equipping students with basic knowledge and skills for various food manufacturing industries concerning food technology and nutritional science ¡ Graduates may be employed as production technician, quality assurance technician, research & development assistant, assistant procurement officer, food laboratory technician, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Human Nutrition, Food Safety and Quality Management System, Food Manufacture and Equipment Operational Skills, Basic Laboratory Skills for Food Science and Nutrition, Smart Manufacturing Techniques for Food Products, and Food Product Development YC KB NEW NEW 課程審核將於2022年進行 The validation of programme will be conducted in 2022

12 工程 Engineering 屋宇裝備工程 Building Services Engineering 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供屋宇裝備工程行業所需的專業知識與技能,培訓學生成為屋宇裝備行業的 專業人員 ¡ 畢業生可投身屋宇裝備相關行業,運用所學的專業知識,處理行業內的技術問題 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:空調及製冷系統實務、水務及消防裝備實務、電氣裝備實務、屋宇裝 備工程繪圖及建築信息模擬技術 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers mainly fundamental knowledge and skills required in the building services engineering sectors ¡ Graduates can become professional personnel in the building services industry. They can apply skills and knowledge to solve technical problems in the building services industry ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Air-conditioning and Refrigeration System Practice, Plumbing and Fire Services Practice, Electrical Services Practice, Building Services Engineering Drawings and Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technology 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 機械工程 Mechanical Engineering 課程特色 : ¡ 課程提供機械工程行業相關所需的基本知識和技能,課程內容理論與實習並重 ¡ 與業界緊密聯繫,致力培訓機械工程專才,以配合製造及工程服務業的需求 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:機械切削、裝配與加工技術,製造技術及焊接工藝學 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with professional knowledge and practical skills in mechanical engineering ¡ Close connection is maintained with the industries and training personnel to meet the manpower needs of manufacturing & engineering industries ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Machining, Fitting and Machining Technology, Manufacturing and Welding Technology 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: YC KB YC KC YC KC

13 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 氣體燃料工程 Gas Services Engineering 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供燃氣行業所需的專業知識與實務技能,以投身燃氣行業並註冊成為註冊氣 體裝置技工 ¡ 畢業生可投身各項有關氣體燃料工程中的工作,包括煤氣及石油氣爐具維修技工學徒、爐 具安裝技工學徒 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:住宅式燃氣熱水器具維修及保養、燃氣事故處理、燃氣科學 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with gas-specific knowledge and skills for employment and registration as registered gas installers ¡ Graduates may be employed in the gas servicing field as towngas and LPG maintenance / servicing apprentices, installation apprentices ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Servicing of Domestic Gas Water Heating Appliances, Handling of Gas Incidents, Gas Science 課程特色 : ¡ 課程主要涵蓋汽車各系統的工作原理、實務培訓及故障排除技巧 ¡ 學生畢業後,可投身汽車業受僱為學徒 / 見習員、助理訓練主任或見習維修顧問 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:汽車工藝學、系統維修(引擎管理及車輛控制)及大修引擎 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers mainly the basic principles of vehicle systems, practical training and trouble-shooting skills ¡ Graduates may be employed as apprentices / trainees, assistant training officers or service advisor trainees in the automobile industry ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Automotive Technology, System Repair (Engine Management and Vehicle Controls) and Engine Overhaul 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 汽車科技 Automotive Technology YC KC YC KC

14 工程 Engineering YC KC 電機工程 Electrical Engineering 課程特色 : ¡ 電機工程分流課程為學生提供電機工程行業所需的專業知識與實務技能,以投身電機工程 行業並註冊成為電業工程人員 ( 電工A牌 )。升降機及自動梯分流課程為學生提供升降機及 自動梯行業所需的專業知識與實務技能,以投身升降機及自動梯行業並註冊成為註冊升降 機及自動梯工程人員。學生可選擇電機工程分流或升降機及自動梯分流 ¡ 畢業生可投身電機工程、升降機及自動梯工程、屋宇裝備工程及物業設施管理等行業擔任學徒 ¡ 電機工程分流專業核心單元包括:電氣安裝實習、電動機控制電路實習、電力掣櫃組裝實 習、可程式控制器程式編寫 ¡ 升降機及自動梯分流專業核心單元包括:升降機安裝、升降機保養、升降機及自動梯檢驗 與測試、升降機及自動梯實習 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ Electrical Engineering stream programme provides students with the professional knowledge and practical skills in electrical engineering for employment and registration as Electrical Worker (Grade A) “REW”. Lift and Escalator stream programme provides students with the professional knowledge and practical skills in Lift and Escalator for employment and registration as Registered Lift and Escalator Worker “RLW & REW”. Students may choose either the Electrical Engineering stream or Lift and Escalator stream ¡ Graduates may seek employment as apprentices in the areas of electrical engineering, lift and escalator engineering, building services engineering and facility management ¡ Professional Core Modules of Electrical Engineering stream include: Electrical Installation Practice, Motor Control Circuits Practice, Factory-built Assembly Practice, PLC Programming ¡ Professional Core Modules of Lift and Escalator stream include: Lift Installation, Lift Maintenance, Lift & Escalator Examination and Testing , Lift and Escalator Practice 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 分流 Stream 電機工程 Electrical Engineering (FS113374A) 升降機及自動梯 Lift and Escalator (FS113374B)

15 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes YC KB YC KB 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 鐘錶 Watch and Clock 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供鐘錶行業一切所需的基本技術與工藝,並專注於設計、製造、維修和銷售 推廣等相關方面的工作,以配合鐘錶業對於未來人才培訓的需求 ¡ 畢業生可投身鐘錶業,受聘為品牌腕錶銷售員、見習鐘錶設計師、見習製錶師、助理工程 師、助理技術員或技術員學徒 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:機械錶機芯、石英錶機芯、電腦輔助繪圖、實體模型 (3D設計 ) 、鐘 錶產品開發、腕錶3D打印、腕錶組裝、腕錶機芯維修及鐘錶產品測試 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with basic techniques and craftsmanship required in watches and clocks, and focuses on watch design, technology, and merchandising in order to cater for the training needs from the watch and clock industry ¡ Graduates may be employed as branding salesperson, assistant watch designers, watchmaker trainees, assistant engineers, assistant technicians or technician apprentices in the watch and clock industry ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Mechanical Watch Movement, Quartz Watch Movement, Computer Aided Drafting, Solid Modeling (3D Design), Watch Product Development, 3D Printing for Watch, Assembly of Complete Watch, Watch Movement Maintenance and Watch Product Testing 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供數碼及電子科技之知識及實務技能、電腦編程、機械人編程及流動裝置及 介面編程。學生可選擇電腦及數碼系統分流或通訊及智能監控科技分流 ¡ 畢業生可投身電子行業,受聘為見習技術員、工程助理、電子設備安裝技工或技術員學徒 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:物聯網應用、多媒體娛樂系統、流動裝置及介面編程、機械人編程、 微控制器基礎、電子產品設計要領 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides practical skills and knowledge in digital technology and electronics, computer programming, robotics programming and mobile devices and interface programming. Students may choose the Computer and Digital Systems stream or Telecommunications and Surveillance Technology stream ¡ Graduates may seek employment as electronic technicians or engineer assistants, or pursue further studies ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Internet-of-Things Applications, Multimedia Entertainment System, Mobile Device and Interface Programming, Robotics and Programming, Microcontroller Fundamentals, Electronic Product Design Essentials 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 電子及電腦工程 Electronic and Computer Engineering

16 YC KB YC KB 工程 Engineering 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 建築科技 Construction Technology 課程特色 : ¡ 課程旨在教授學生有關建築業最新技術 (包括建築信息模擬、無人機拍攝 ) 知識與技能、通 用知識及技巧,以便學生畢業後在建築業就業和發展 ¡ 畢業生可在建築業內擔任建築信息模擬技術助理,助理工程監督,技術員學徒,見習技術 員,工程助理或助理管工等初級技術及督導職位 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:基本建築科技、混凝土科技、無人機應用、建築自動化、建築3D打印、 建築信息模擬 ( BIM) PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ The programme aims at providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills of construction technology required for employment and career development in the construction industry, covering Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle shooting ¡ Graduates may take up junior technical and supervisory positions such as BIM modellers / coordinators, assistant clerks of works, technician apprentices, technician trainees, engineering assistant and assistant foremen in the construction industry ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Basic Construction Technology, Concrete Technology, Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Automation in Construction, 3D Printing for Construction, Building Information Modelling (BIM) 人工智能及機械人學 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 課程特色 : ¡ 課程提供人工智能及機械人學的基本知識和技能,課程內容理論與實習並重 ¡ 與人工智能及機械人工程業界緊密聯繫,致力培訓人工智能及機械人學專才,以配合創新 科技、智能製造、人工智能及機械人工程服務業的需求 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:人工智能及基礎編程、機械人及編程初階、工業自動化組裝、機械人 電子學基礎、電腦輔助機器人設計、工業流程的機械裝配知識與實踐、微控制器編程與應 用、智能手機及電腦軟件編程、工業流程的3D打印、電腦視覺應用、智能機械人控制應 用及物聯網應用等 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with professional knowledge and practical skills in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ¡ Close connection is maintained with the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics industries and training personnel to meet the manpower needs of the industries ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Artificial Intelligence & Basic Programming, Introduction to Robotics and Programming, Industrial Automation Assembly, Fundamental Robotic Instrumentation and Electronics, Computer Aided Robotic Design, Mechanical Assembly Knowledge and Practice in Industrial Process, Microcontroller Programming and Applications, Mobile and Computer Programming, 3D Printing in Industrial Process, Computer Vision Applications, Intelligent Robotic Control Applications & Internet-of-Things Applications etc. 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus:

17 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 髮型設計 Hairdressing 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供美髮業所需的基本知識與實務技能,讓學生通過模擬學習環境,加強對行 業的認識 ¡ 畢業生可擔任髮型師助理、見習技術員及美髮產品營銷員等 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:剪髮、電髮、染髮、頭髮護理、美髮造型、髮型設計基礎 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers mainly fundamental knowledge and skills required in the hairdressing sector, and equips students with up-to-date techniques in a simulated workshop environment ¡ Graduates may be employed as junior stylists, technician trainees or hair product sale executives, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Hai r Cutt ing, Permanent Waving and Straightening, Hair Colouring, Introduction to Hairstyling, Hair Design Fundamental 珠寶設計與工藝 Jewellery Arts and Design 課程特色 : ¡ 課程涵蓋珠寶物料知識、珠寶設計的理論及訓練,並輔以珠寶製作實習 ¡ 畢業生可接受相關專業培訓,繼而成為珠寶設計師、珠寶營銷 / 採購人員或生產技師 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:電腦輔助珠寶繪圖、基礎珠寶設計、珠寶物料與工序入門、基礎金工 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers the knowledge of jewellery materials, theories and training of jewellery design, supplemented with practice in jewellery making ¡ Graduates may receive further professional training to become jewellery designers, marketing / merchandising specialists, or manufacturing technologists ¡ Professional Core Modules include: CAD in Jewellery, Jewellery Design Basic, Introduction to Jewellery Materials and Processes, Metalsmithing Fundamental 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: # 主要上課地點在卓越培訓發展中心 ( 珠寶業 ) Main class venue at Pro-Act (JL) YC KF YC TM 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission YC YCM YC KB# 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes 設計與資訊科技 Design and Information Technology

18 YC YCM YC TM 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 資訊科技 Information Technology 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供資訊科技的基本知識與技能,並設有多媒體應用分流、電腦保安及網絡技 術分流和雲端應用分流供學生選讀 ¡ 畢業生可投身資訊科技行業的初級職位,亦可於工商業界受聘為見習技術員,擔任技術支 援的相關工作 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:程式編寫、多媒體製作、電腦保安、電腦網絡、雲端應用開發 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme covers mainly fundamental knowledge and skills of computing and information technologies. Students may choose to take the Multimedia Applications stream, Computer Security and Networking stream, or Cloud Applications stream ¡ Graduates may enter the IT profession at junior level or be employed as technician trainees in industrial and commercial organisations to provide technical support ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Programming, Multimedia Production, Computer Security, Computer Networking , Cloud Application Development 分流 Stream 電腦保安及網絡技術 Computer Security & Networking (FS113371B) 雲端應用 Cloud Applications (FS113371C) 課程特色 : ¡ 課程旨在教授學生有關室內與展覽設計所需知識與技能、通用知識及技巧,理論及實際應 用並重 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為初級室內設計師、項目企劃助理、繪圖員等室內與展覽設計業的初級職位 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:室內及展覽設計、電腦輔助設計繪圖、展品及道具設計、模型製作、 空間設計的結構及材料應用 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ The programme aims at providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills of interior and exhibition design via the blending of theoretical knowledge and practical applications ¡ Graduates may take up positions at junior level as junior interior designers, project coordinators, draftsmen, on-site operation assistants for interior, convention and exhibition services, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Interior and Exhibiton Design, CAD Drawing, Display and Props Design, Model Making, Structure and Material Application for Spatial Design 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 室內與展覽設計 Interior and Exhibition Design YC KF YC KF YC KF YC TKO YC TSW YC TM 多媒體應用 Multimedia Applications (FS113371A) 設計與資訊科技 Design and Information Technology

19 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 形象設計 Image Design 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供形象設計的專業訓練,教授市場上所需知識與實務技能 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為形象顧問助理,個人造型師 / 網路造型師助理,化妝及髮型師助理,攝影 造型師助理,KOL助理 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:基本個人風格諮詢及設計、專業道德與溝通、時裝、媒體化妝及造型、 髮型設計基礎、數碼攝影及編輯 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with professional training in the areas of Image Design by delivering the industry required knowledge and skills ¡ Graduates may be employed as assistant to image consultant, assistant personal stylist / online stylist, make-up or hairstylist assistant, assistant photo stylist, KOL assistant ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Basic Personal Style Consultation and Design, Professional Ethics and Communication, Fashion, Media Make-up and Styling, Hair Design Fundamentals, Digital Photography and Editing 課程特色 : ¡ 課程主旨在教授學生有關時裝產品設計的開發能力。透過時裝專題習作課程能令學生認識 時裝設計和服裝縫製技巧。另課程包括時裝採購及市場學,修讀本課程學生將會得到嶄新 時裝及紡織方面的科技資訊與知識 ¡ 畢業生可受聘為初級時裝設計師、時裝採購助理、服裝產品開發、紡織品測試助理的初級職位 ¡ 專業核心單元包括:時裝設計及作品集入門、時裝設計概念開發、時尚配飾設計、時裝商 標及印花設計、智慧型及功能性紡織品、紙樣設計與放碼及尺碼系統等 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ The programme aims at providing students with the fashion product design concept generated via the fashion project, make-up and garment production. Theoretical knowledge on fashion merchandising, marketing and practical applications of up-todate technologies on textiles and clothing ¡ Graduates may take up positions at junior level as fashion designers, fashion merchandising assistants, fashion product developers, testing laboratory trainees, etc. ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Introduction to Fashion Design & Portfolio Making, Fashion Design Concept Development, Fashion Lifestyle Products Design, Design on Logo, Motif & Print Patterns, Smart & Functional Textiles, Pattern Design, Grading & Sizing Systemization and so on 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 時裝 Fashion YC YCM YC TSW YC KC NEW NEW 課程審核將於2022年進行 The validation of programme will be conducted in 2022 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes

20 NEW NEW 設計與資訊科技 Design and Information Technology 課程特色 : ¡ 課程提供設計及印刷媒體的基礎知識及技能,以實務培訓為主,為學生日後晉身設計及印 刷媒體行業或繼續升讀設計及媒體相關學科作最佳裝備 ¡ 畢業生可投身設計、廣告及包裝製作、印刷媒體及出版等行業,受聘為製作助理、設計助 理或技術員等;或繼續升學 ¡ 專業核心科目:數碼攝影及圖像處理、數碼繪圖、視覺傳意設計基礎、數碼圖像製作基礎、 刊物及電子書製作 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ The programme provides students with fundamental knowledge and skills related to design and print media industries, so as to enhance their opportunities for employment and / or further studies ¡ Graduates may seek employment in design, advertising and packaging, print media and publishing industries, e.g. production assistant, designer assistant, technician, etc, or pursue further studies ¡ Professional Core Modules include: Digital Photography and Imaging Processing, Digital Illustration, Graphic Communication Design, Graphic Standards and Layout Production, E-book Production 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 設計及印刷媒體 Design and Print Media 課程審核將於2022年進行 The validation of programme will be conducted in 2022 YC KB NEW

21 申請日期 Application Period: 2022年1月10日起 Starting 10 January 2022 申請辦法 Application Methods: 你可選擇以下途徑遞交入學申請: You may submit application by one of the following methods: ■ 透過「VTC網上入學申請系統」 (https://admission.vtc.edu.hk/onlineform) 遞交入學申請。 Submit application online via the “VTC Web-based Admissions System” (https://admission.vtc.edu.hk/onlineform). ■ 以書面遞交申請,申請表可於青年學院秘書處或VTC招生處索取,或於 https://www.yc.edu.hk 下載。 Submit paper form, which is available at the Campus Secretariat of Youth College campuses or VTC Admissions Office, or download via https://www.yc.edu.hk 學費 Tuition Fees: 中三畢業生一般可獲三年學費豁免;中四畢業生一般可獲兩年學費豁免。 Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 graduates will normally be exempted from tuition fee payment for 3 years and 2 years of study respectively. 入學申請 Application Information 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes

22 職專國際文憑課程(VB課程)貫通銜接職 業專才教育及高等教育,為有志於設計、工 程或運動方面發展的同學提供一個學術 與專業發展並行的途徑,達至升學就業兩 皆通。 課程透過多元創新教學法以配合同學不同 興趣及需要,例如藉著專題研習,培養同學 創意及批判思維。課程兼備學術及實務評 核,讓同學將興趣發展成相關技能與知識, 為日後繼續升學,或投身理想專業奠下穩固 基礎。完成中三或中四程度的同學一般需時 三年完成VB課程。 提升國際視野 升學出路廣 VB課程旨在擴闊同學國際視野,並結合本 地及國際實例教學。大部分單元以英文授課 及評核。課程設計參照本地及國際學術要 求,包括香港資歷架構、IGCSE考試及英國 BTEC文憑。同學畢業後所達到的學術水平, 於本地及海外升學或就業均獲認可。 靈活互動的學習環境 入讀 VB 課程的同學將於香港知專設計學院 (HKDI) /香港專業教育學院(李惠利) [ IVE (李 惠利 )] 或香港專業教育學院 (青衣) [IVE( 青 衣)] 上課。兩所學院均設置先進的設備, 如HKDI 的時裝資料館和HKDI Gallery 及 IVE(青衣) 的STEM教育中心及體育設施, 為同學提供靈活互動的學習環境。 The Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate (VB) Programmes provide flexible articulation pathways between VPET and academic, and for progression to higher education. With a balanced mix of academic and vocational & professional contents, the programmes provide students aspiring for design, engineering or sport studies with a valued pathway for continued studies and career development. The programme emphasises nurturing creativity and critical thinking through a variety of pedagogies based on innovative approaches to cater to the diverse learning needs of students, helping young people to translate their aspirations into reality, as well as to build a solid foundation for future studies. The programme adopts a combination of theorybased and practical assessments which give students the opportunity to showcase their skills and apply their knowledge in industry-related contexts. It normally takes around 3 years for a Secondary 3 or Secondary 4 school leaver to complete the VB programme. International Outlook and Wide Articulation Prospects The VB programmes equip students with an international perspective and make use of both local and overseas scenarios in learning and teaching. The curriculum is designed with reference to local and international academic standards, including the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework, IGCSE examinations and BTEC diploma programme of the United Kingdom, and adopts English as the medium of instruction for most of its modules. Upon graduation, VB students shall possess the academic standing recognised for both further studies in Hong Kong and overseas, and employment in relevant fields. Dynamic and Vibrant Learning Environment Students of the VB programmes will study at Hong Kong Design Institute [HKDI] / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee) [IVE(LW)] or Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) [IVE(TY)]. Both campuses are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that offer a dynamic and vibrant learning environment, e.g. Fashion Archive and HKDI Gallery at HKDI, and STEM Education Centre and sports facilities at IVE(TY). 職專國際文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate Programmes

23 全方位發展 VB課程平衡同學的學術與專業發展。除了 著重職專單元外,課程亦包括中文、英文、 數學及全人發展單元,為同學繼續升學或就 業作最佳準備。課程揉合跨學科元素,讓同 學應用不同領域知識,發揮多方面才能,亦 藉此培養同學成為富創意、具反思能力、有 自信及負責任的公民。 Balanced Curriculum for Holistic Development The VB programmes aim to provide students with a balanced development of academic as well as vocational and professional skills and knowledge. To help students build a solid foundation for further study and employment, in addition to strong vocational and professional elements, the curriculum also comprises modules for developing generic competence in the areas of Chinese, English, Mathematics and whole person development. There are also interdisciplinary elements in the programme to inspire students to be inquiring learners and apply the knowledge and skills acquired, unleashing and realising students’ competence in different domains. This holistic learning and teaching approach also grooms students to be innovative, reflective, confident and responsible citizens. 課程著重動手學習,去年我與同學憑研發環保裝置於 科技比賽獲獎,印證所學,鞏固工程知識。畢業後升 讀英國利茲大學,向工程專業之路繼續進發。 The practical learning approach has enhanced our all-round skills. And I was proud to win an innovative competition with my group work on eco-invention, which has strengthened my Engineering knowledge. I am now studying at the University of Leeds in the UK, setting sail for my professional development in Engineering. 畢業生分享 My Story 曾子諾 TSANG Tsz Nok 職專國際文憑(工程) 現就讀英國利茲大學土木工程理學碩士 Graduate of DVB (Engineering) Current student of MSc in Civil Engineering, University of Leeds

24 @ 主要上課地點為IVE( 青衣 ) Main class venue at IVE (TY) 課程特色 : ¡ 課程提供工程行業相關所需的基本知識和技能,課程內容理論與實踐並重 ¡ 課程提供一個充滿互動與活力的學習環境,啟發學生實踐所學,培育工程專才 ¡ 職專單元包括:機械原理、電機及電子原理、電腦輔助設計繪圖、工業機械人技術、微控制 器、產品設計及製造工程 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with professional knowledge and practical skills preparing them for study and work in the engineering field ¡ The programme offers a dynamic and vibrant learning environment that inspires students to experiment with ideas and apply knowledge acquired, and nurtures young talents in the engineering field ¡ Vocational Modules include: Mechanical Principles, Electrical and Electronic Principles, Computer Aided Design in Engineering, and Industrial Robotics Technology, Microcontrollers, and Product Design and Manufacture in Engineering 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 工程 Engineering YC INTL@ # 主要上課地點為香港知專設計學院及IVE( 李惠利 ) Main class venue at HKDI and IVE (LW) 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 設計 Design 課程特色 : ¡ 課程為學生提供設計行業相關的基礎知識,課程內容理論與實踐並重 ¡ 課程提供一個充滿互動與活力的學習環境,啟發學生創意與思維,培育設計專才 ¡ 職專單元涵蓋以下範疇:基礎設計、平面設計、媒體技巧及科技、時裝繪畫、影片剪接及編 輯技巧、藝術設計綜合應用專題習作等 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with professional knowledge and practical skills in design ¡ The programme offers a dynamic and vibrant learning environment that inspires students’ creativity and critical thinking, and nurtures young talents in the design field ¡ Vocational Modules covering the following areas: Design Fundamentals, Graphic Design, Media Techniques and Technology, Fashion Visualisation, Film and Video Editing Techniques and Application, Creative Project YC INTL#

25 @ 主要上課地點為IVE( 青衣 ) Main class venue at IVE(TY) 開辦分校 Of fer ing Campus: 運動 Sport 課程特色 : ¡ 課程提供運動行業相關所需的基本知識和技能,課程內容理論與實踐並重 ¡ 課程提供一個充滿互動與活力的學習環境,啟發學生實踐所學,培育運動專才 ¡ 職專單元包括:運動及康樂參與、運動心理學、運動營養學、體適能測試、運動創傷管理、 運動專題研習 PROGRAMME FEATURES: ¡ This programme provides students with professional knowledge and practical skills preparing them for study and work in sport ¡ The programme offers a dynamic and vibrant learning environment that inspires students to experiment with ideas and apply knowledge acquired, and nurtures young talents in sport ¡ Vocational Modules include: Participation in Sport and Recreation, Sports Psychology, Nutrition for Physical Performance, Fitness Testing, Sports Injuries Mangagement and Research Project in Sport 申請日期 Application Period: 2022年1月10日起 Starting 10 January 2022 申請辦法 Application Method: 你可選擇以下途徑遞交入學申請: You may submit application by one of the following methods: ■ 透過「VTC網上入學申請系統」 (https://admission.vtc.edu.hk/onlineform) 遞交入學申請。 Submit application online via the “VTC Web-based Admissions System” (https://admission.vtc.edu.hk/onlineform). ■ 以書面遞交申請,申請表可於青年學院秘書處或VTC招生處索取,或於 https://www.vtc.edu.hk/vb或https://www.yc.edu.hk下載。 Submit paper form, which is available at the Campus Secretariat of Youth College campuses or VTC Admissions Office, or download via https://www.vtc.edu.hk/vb or https://www.yc.edu.hk 學費 Tuition Fees: 完成中三學生一般可獲三年學費豁免。其他費用包括BTEC註冊費等,將會另 行收取。 Secondary 3 leavers will normally be exempted from tuition fee payment for 3 years of study. Additional fees including BTEC registration fee may apply. 入學申請 Application Information 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission YC INTL@ 職專國際文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate Programmes