獎學金及獎勵計劃 Scholarship and Award Schemes 年內提供逾4000萬元獎學金 鼓勵超過3000名表現出色的學生 Over $40M scholarships for some 3000 outstanding students in a year
THEi高科院入學獎學金 THEi Entrance Scholarship 香港高等教育科技學院(THEi高科院)提 供以應用科學為本的學士學位課程,糅合 專業知識與實際應用,並鼓勵學生透過多 元學習經歷,發展領導才能及通用技能。 學院設有「入學獎學金」,頒予在香港中學 文憑試(HKDSE)或國際文憑課程(IBDP) 表現出色而入讀指定學士學位課程的一年 級新生,獎勵金額可達連續四年全額學費。 此外,THEi高科院亦為升級學生提供「卓越 表現獎學金」以表揚在學期間成績卓越的 同學,得獎學生的獎學金金額可達港幣 40,000元。 The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) provides Applied Science-Oriented degree programmes with a fine balance of professional knowledge and practices. It is committed to developing the leadership skills and generic competencies of students through diversified learning experiences. THEi has set up an“Entrance Scholarship Scheme” in recognition of the all-round performance of outstanding Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) of new Year-1 students who enroll in designated degree programmes. The scheme offers scholarships with award amount up to full scholarship covering four consecutive years of studies per award. THEi has also set up the“Scholarship for Excellent Performance” for progressing students with value up to HK$40,000 in recognition of their excellent academic achievements in THEi. 吳珈叡 NG Ka Yui 2023/24年度THEi高科院入學獎學金得主 2023/24 THEi Entrance Scholarship Awardee 測量學(榮譽)理學士課程一年級學生 Year-1 Student of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Surveying programme 新生入學獎學金 SNcehwo Sl atrusdhei pnst sf o r VTC設有入學獎勵計劃,獎勵以優良成績入讀學士學位及高級文憑課程的新生。 VTC has set up admission scholarship schemes to award and recognise new students enrolling in Degree and Higher Diploma programmes who achieved outstanding academic results prior to joining VTC. 「很高興獲得THEi高科院頒發獎學金去支持我不斷學習及爭取成功。我將全力以赴,實現我投身 測量界的夢想。」 “It is a tremendous honour to receive this Entrance Scholarship. It fuels my determination to succeed and reinforces my belief in the power of learning. I am grateful for this opportunity to achieve my dreams in the surveying industry.”
高級文憑課程卓越新生獎學金 Higher Diploma Programme Outstanding Achievements Admission Scholarship 廠商會檢定中心卓越新生獎學金 CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories Admission Scholarship 「高級文憑課程卓越新生獎學金」為入讀香港專業教育學院(IVE)、香港知專設計學院(HKDI)、香港資訊科技學院 (HKIIT)、國際廚藝學院(ICI)、中華廚藝學院(CCI)及海事訓練學院(MSTI) 的全日制高級文憑課程新生而設。 “Higher Diploma Programme Outstanding Achievements Admission Scholarship”is set up for new students who enroll in full-time Higher Diploma programmes of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT), International Culinary Institute (ICI) , Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI) and Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI). 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達25分或以上 (必須包括中國語文及英國語文);及 中國語文及英國語文科成績達第2級 Total score of 25 or above for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達20-24分 (必須包括中國語文及英國語文);及 中國語文及英國語文科成績達第2級 Total score of 20-24 for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達18-19分 (必須包括中國語文及英國語文);及 中國語文及英國語文科成績達第2級 Total score of 18-19 for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 由香港中華廠商聯合會工業發展基金慷慨捐助的「廠商會檢定中心卓越新生獎學金」,提供獎學金予入讀與檢定 及認證相關的全日制高級文憑課程新生。 With generous donation from the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA) Industrial Development Foundation Limited, the “CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories Admission Scholarship”is awarded to new students who enroll in full-time Higher Diploma Programmes relating to the testing and certification industry. 本獎學金金額及資格與「高級文憑課程卓越新生獎學金」相同,詳情請參閱上圖。 This scholarship amount and requirements are same as the“Higher Diploma Programme Outstanding Achievements Admission Scholarship”. Please refer to the details above. 檢定及認證相關的高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes relating to Testing and Certification Industry 工程學科 Engineering Discipline 人工智能及機械人學 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 電腦及數據工程 Computer and Data Engineering 電腦及電子工程 Computer and Electronic Engineering 電機工程 Electrical Engineering 環境保護(科目組) Environmental Protection (Subject Group) 機械工程學 Mechanical Engineering 健康及生命科學學科 Health and Life Sciences Discipline 化驗科學 Analytical Science 生物醫學 Biomedical Science 生物科技 Biotechnology 環境保護(科目組) Environmental Protection (Subject Group) 環境科學 Environmental Science 食品科技及安全 Food Technology and Safety HK$60,000 (第一學年/ Year 1 HK$30,000 及/& 第二學年/ Year 2 HK$30,000) HK$30,000 HK$15,000 獎學金金額 Scholarship Amount 資格 Requirements
升學獎學金 Scholarships for Further Studies 升學獎學金旨在協助VTC學生在畢業後在本地或到海外升學, 助他們在事業上進一步實踐理想。 These scholarships assist outstanding VTC students to pursue further studies after graduation, both locally and overseas, and enable them to realise their career aspirations. 賀維雅基金會獎學金 Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarships 黃希賢 Bowie WONG 賀維雅基金會獎學金得主 Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship Awardee 軟件工程高級文憑畢業生 英國伯明翰大學電腦科學榮譽學士畢業生 現修讀英國倫敦大學學院 (UCL) 機器人與計算碩士 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Software Engineering Graduate of BSc (Hons) in Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK Current Student of MSc Robotics and Computation, University College London (UCL), UK The Alistair Harvey Foundation offers three scholarships, namely the“Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for Masters Study”,“Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for Degree Study” and “Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for Academic Exchange”to VTC students and graduates from the science and technology related disciplines with the financial assistance, ranging from £27,350 to £39,350 for one academic year, for pursuing further studies at universities in the UK. The Scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and airfare. Since the Scholarships’inception in 2004, more than 200 VTC students and graduates have been awarded to pursue further studies in the UK. 賀維雅基金會向VTC科學或科技相關學科 的畢業生及學生提供三種獎學金,分別是 「賀維雅基金會碩士學習獎學金」、「賀維雅 基金會學位獎學金」和「賀維雅基金會學術 交流獎學金」,以資助他們在英國的大學進 修。這些獎學金包括學費、住宿、生活費和 機票,每年資助金額介乎27,350至39,350 英鎊。自2004年設立該獎學金以來,已有 200多名VTC畢業生和學生在該計劃下獲得 獎學金資助,前往英國進修。 「獎學金開啟我出國留學的旅程大門,在英國修讀學士及碩士學位的經歷改寫我的人生。大學的獨 立自主的學習模式為我的職專成長提供了寶貴的經驗及培養更美好的個人素養。我非常感激一路 遇上無數的學習和發展機會。」 “I embarked on my overseas studies with the aid of the scholarship and gained a transformational experience when studying for my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the UK. The high degree of the self-autonomy learning environment in the universities was beneficial to my professional growth and career development which turned me to be a better person. I am deeply thankful for the endless opportunities for learning and development which I have been given.”
香港賽馬會獎學金 ‒ 職業教育獎學金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships ‒ Vocational Education Scholarship 謝曜聰 Isaac TSE 香港賽馬會獎學金 ‒ 職業教育獎學金得主 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships ‒ Vocational Education Scholarship Awardee The Oversea Study Scholarship aims to support dedicated and socially committed VTC Higher Diploma graduates to pursue further studies at the undergraduate level in overseas institutions in the Disciplines of Design, Engineering (applicable to aerospace / marine / environmental / architecture studies) and Hospitality. The Scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation fees, living expenses, airfares and expenses on study trips/ field trips for up to three academic years, capped at HK$500,000 per study year. In addition, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust also offers 15 scholarships to encourage dedicated and socially committed Youth College graduates to pursue Higher Diploma studies at VTC. Each scholarship covers the tuition fees capped at HK$66,400 per year, for up to two years. 獎學金為具熱誠並對社會有承擔的VTC 高級文憑畢業生而設,資助他們到海外大學 修讀有關設計學科、工程學科(航空、海事、 環境、建築學),和酒店及旅遊學科的學士 學位課程。獎學金包括三年大學學費、住宿、 生活費、來回香港機票及學習交流/實地考察 所需費用,每年的最高資助額可達港幣 500,000元。 另外,香港賽馬會慈善信託基金亦為青年 學院每年提供15個獎學金,鼓勵具熱誠並對 社會有承擔的職專文憑畢業生升讀VTC的 高級文憑課程,資助高達兩年學費,每年上 限港幣66,400元。 航空學高級文憑畢業生 澳洲南澳大學航空學士(飛行)畢業生 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Aviation Graduate of Bachelor of Aviation (Flight), University of South Australia, Australia 「我很榮幸成為香港賽馬會-職業教育獎學金的得獎學生,讓我可以到澳洲升讀大學。除了學習 之外,我還可以透過大學及社區的活動豐富我的生活體驗及達到人生目標。」 “I am honoured to be one of the awardees of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships ‒ Vocational Education Scholarship for Degree Study Overseas. I was given the opportunity to further my degree studies in Australia. Other than study, I also had the chances to participate in various university and community activities to enrich myself and reach my goal.”
扶輪香港職訓獎學金 Rotary Hong Kong Vocational Scholarship 為有經濟需要的 VTC 學生升學發展而設, 以鼓勵具積極態度、領導特質及服務社區 志向的基礎課程文憑學生升讀高級文憑 課程及THEi高科院學士學位課程(三年級 入學)。獎學金金額達港幣10,000元至港 幣35,000元。 The scholarship is a progressing scholarship scheme to support VTC financially needy students of Diploma of Foundation Studies who possess positive attitude, leadership qualities and commitment to the community to articulate to Higher Diploma and THEi Degree (Year 3 Entry) programmes. The scholarship amount ranges from HK$10,000 to HK$35,000. 升學獎學金 Scholarships for Further Studies
Chevalier Group Scholarships aims to recognise students’efforts towards academic achievement. Every year, 40 scholarships will be awarded to outstanding Engineering students of Higher Diploma and Diploma of Vocational Education programmes. The scholarship awards are in the amount of HK$40,000 and HK$10,000 each, respectively. 其士集團獎學金旨在獎勵及肯定學生所付出的努力,每年頒發40個獎學金名額予成績卓越的高級文憑及職專 文憑的工程學生,獎學金金額分別為每名港幣40,000元及港幣10,000元。 迪士尼獎學金旨在表揚同學出色的學習表現, 並發掘具潛質的人才作進一步栽培。另外,香港 迪士尼樂園每年亦會為職業訓練局學生提供實 習機會,讓他們在餐飲服務、樂園營運、設施服 務、工程等不同範疇累積實戰經驗。獎學金金額 為每名港幣10,000元。 The Disney Scholarship is established to recognise outstanding VTC students and identify talents for further grooming. In addition, Hong Kong Disneyland provides internship opportunities for VTC students annually, offering real-life work experience in areas such as food and beverage, park operations, facilities service, and engineering. The scholarship is in the amount of HK$10,000 each. 卓越表現獎學金為表揚及獎勵在VTC就讀期間有傑出表現的學生。 These scholarships aim to recognise and reward students who have achieved outstanding performance during their studies in the VTC. 其士集團獎學金 Chevalier Group Scholarship 迪士尼獎學金 Disney Scholarship 卓越表現獎學金 SRcehcooglanrissheips to OP eurtfsot ramn da inncge
如果你想了解更多有關獎學金的資料及申請 辦法,歡迎與我們聯絡。 You are welcome to contact us for further information about the scholarships and application details. 你亦可瀏覽入學網頁查閱獎學金及獎勵計劃資料。 Please visit the Admissions Homepage for information of Scholarship and Award Schemes. 鵬程慈善基金 ‒ 傑出學生運動員獎學金 Bright Future Charitable Foundation ‒ Outstanding Student-Athlete Scholarship 由鍾志平博士慷慨捐贈的「鵬程慈善基金 ‒ 傑出學 生運動員獎學金」旨在支持優秀學生運動員入讀 VTC高級文憑課程或香港高等教育科技學院(THEi 高科院)學士學位課程,鼓勵學生運動員在學業上 持續發展,完成高等教育。獲獎學生從高級文憑到 學士學位課程,如成績理想,每學年均可獲得獎學 金,總金額最高可達港幣60,000元。 With generous donations from Dr Roy CHUNG, the Bright Future Charitable Foundation ‒ Outstanding Student-Athlete Scholarship is set up to support exceptional student-athletes pursuing a VTC higher diploma and/or degree in the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi). By encouraging student-athletes to thrive academically and complete their tertiary study, the awardee will receive a renewable scholarship each study year from higher diploma to degree with satisfactory performance. The total scholarship amount can reach up to HK$60,000. 獎學金申請 Application for Scholarships 電郵 Email:vtchqas@vtc.edu.hk 入學網頁 Admissions Homepage: www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 以上資料截至2024年3月,內容僅供參考。所有資料應以本局最新公布及網站內容為準,本局有權取消有關項目及更改其內容。 Information as of March 2024 is intended for reference only. The latest information on VTC website shall prevail in case of any discrepancies. VTC reserves the right to withdraw any of the above items or modify their contents. 才藝發展獎學金 Sf ocrhToal al erns ht i p s Development 才藝發展獎學金為支持VTC學生在非學術領域的發展, 包括體育運動、音樂和表演藝術、文化和設計,以及創新和科技。 These scholarships aim to support development of VTC students in non-academic areas including sports, music and performing arts, culture and design, and innovative technology.