香港賽馬會獎學金 ‒ 職業教育獎學金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships ‒ Vocational Education Scholarship 謝曜聰 Isaac TSE 香港賽馬會獎學金 ‒ 職業教育獎學金得主 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships ‒ Vocational Education Scholarship Awardee The Oversea Study Scholarship aims to support dedicated and socially committed VTC Higher Diploma graduates to pursue further studies at the undergraduate level in overseas institutions in the Disciplines of Design, Engineering (applicable to aerospace / marine / environmental / architecture studies) and Hospitality. The Scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation fees, living expenses, airfares and expenses on study trips/ field trips for up to three academic years, capped at HK$500,000 per study year. In addition, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust also offers 15 scholarships to encourage dedicated and socially committed Youth College graduates to pursue Higher Diploma studies at VTC. Each scholarship covers the tuition fees capped at HK$66,400 per year, for up to two years. 獎學金為具熱誠並對社會有承擔的VTC 高級文憑畢業生而設,資助他們到海外大學 修讀有關設計學科、工程學科(航空、海事、 環境、建築學),和酒店及旅遊學科的學士 學位課程。獎學金包括三年大學學費、住宿、 生活費、來回香港機票及學習交流/實地考察 所需費用,每年的最高資助額可達港幣 500,000元。 另外,香港賽馬會慈善信託基金亦為青年 學院每年提供15個獎學金,鼓勵具熱誠並對 社會有承擔的職專文憑畢業生升讀VTC的 高級文憑課程,資助高達兩年學費,每年上 限港幣66,400元。 航空學高級文憑畢業生 澳洲南澳大學航空學士(飛行)畢業生 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Aviation Graduate of Bachelor of Aviation (Flight), University of South Australia, Australia 「我很榮幸成為香港賽馬會-職業教育獎學金的得獎學生,讓我可以到澳洲升讀大學。除了學習 之外,我還可以透過大學及社區的活動豐富我的生活體驗及達到人生目標。」 “I am honoured to be one of the awardees of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships ‒ Vocational Education Scholarship for Degree Study Overseas. I was given the opportunity to further my degree studies in Australia. Other than study, I also had the chances to participate in various university and community activities to enrich myself and reach my goal.”