Page 9 - 職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2016/2017
P. 9

The Council is assisted by 21 Training   The VTC’s day-to-day management comes   理事會之下設有 21 個訓練委員會和五個
          Boards and the five General Committees   under the purview of the Executive Director,   一般委員會,成員由本港主要行業的持份者
          whose membership consists of          who reports to the Council via its Chairman.    擔任。為配合香港經濟及業界的最新發展,
          stakeholders in nearly all major economic   The Executive Director is supported by the   訓練委員會及一般委員會架構於年內進行優
          sectors in Hong Kong.  During the year,   Caucus team, which guides and manages   化,成為 25 個訓練委員會,並於 2017 年
          Training Boards and General Committees   the overall operation of the VTC’s services.    4 月 1 日生效。訓練委員會就其代表行業的
          structure was rationalised and starting from   The Executive Director also chairs the   人力需求提供意見,並提出相應舉措以應對
          1 April 2017, a new structure comprising   Quality Assurance Steering Committee and   人力所需。此外,在 VTC 課程發展方面,
          25 Training Boards took effect, reflecting   Strategic Plan Implementation Steering   發展方向及策略以至質素保證,皆發揮推動
          the latest developments in the industries   Group.                           作用。
          of the Hong Kong economy.  The Training
          Boards are established to advise the VTC   The VET Advisory Committee, chaired by   執行幹事負責管理 VTC 的日常運作,通過主
          on manpower demand of the industries they   a prominent industry leader, consists of   席向理事會匯報工作。高層議會協助執行幹
          represent, and to recommend initiatives to   members from industry, education and the   事督導和管理 VTC 提供的服務;執行幹事亦
          meet the assessed manpower demand.    public sector.  Its function is to advise the   擔任質素管理策導委員會和策略計劃執行督
          They also play an important advisory   Council on the broad direction and strategy   導委員會主席。
          role in setting out directions, strategic   of the VTC’s academic development,
          development and quality assurance     and its provision of quality VPET to meet   專業教育培訓顧問委員會由業界翹楚出任主
          mechanisms for VTC programmes.        talent requirements.  The VET Academic   席,成員來自不同行業、教育和公共界別,
                                                Board, chaired by the Executive Director,   對 VTC 學務發展的整體方向和策略,以至開
                                                formulates major academic management   辦優質職業專才教育課程以配合人力需求等
                                                policies.                              方面,向理事會提供意見。至於專業教育培

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