VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 4 72 VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL TRAINING SERVICES ORGANISED BY TRAINING BOARDS CONFERENCES / SYMPOSIA / SEMINARS 4.26 Training Boards organise, either individually or in collaboration with professional institutions and / or trade organisations, conferences, symposia and seminars on specific and current trade-related topics. APPRENTICESHIP AND RELATED TRAINING SERVICES APPRENTICESHIP SCHEME 4.27 The Executive Director of VTC, as the Director of Apprenticeship, is responsible for the administration of the Apprenticeship Ordinance. The Director monitors and assesses the training of apprentices, conciliates in training and employment disputes and endorses Certificates of Completion of Apprenticeship. The Office of the Director of Apprenticeship provides career counselling and placement services for people seeking apprenticeships. 4.28 The Apprenticeship Scheme consists of on-the-job training, complementary technical education courses, and supervision and services of Apprenticeship Officers for apprenticeship. At present, there are 45 trades designated under the Apprenticeship Ordinance whereby youngsters aged 14 to 18 years who are employed in one of the designated trades must enter into an apprenticeship contract with their employers. While the contract must be registered with the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship, contracts in respect of other trades, or for apprentices aged 19 or above, may be registered voluntarily. An apprenticeship normally lasts for two to four years. Holders of special qualifications obtained prior to his / her apprenticeship training, including completion of the first-year study of relevant DVE or HD programmes, may be allowed to shorten the training period. 4.29 Apprenticeship Officers advise employers and assist them in the training and employment of apprentices. They regularly visit workplaces where apprentices are employed to ensure that training programmes are