VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 4 69 VPET SERVICES Continuing and Professional Education Programmes 4.15 To meet the diverse educational needs of working adults, VTC’s member institutions provide various part-time programmes to enhance their knowledge and skills in specific areas through lifelong learning and continuous education. VTC also works closely with industry partners and government departments to provide programmes that match the current manpower requirements. 4.16 In-service training is offered by IVE / HKDI / HKIIT for people already in employment who opt to acquire a higher qualification through further studies on a part-time basis. In addition to HD programmes, professional diploma, professional certificate and certificate programmes are offered in specific subject areas to meet the industry needs. PEAK offers professional development programmes to support the learning needs of working adults. Other VTC’s member institutions, including MSTI, HTI, CCI, ICI and Pro-Act Training and Development Centres, also provide industry-specific practical training to in-service personnel for skills upgrading and trade skills certification. IVDC offers a roster of retraining programmes covering many trades. Social Programmes 4.17 Vocational Development Programmes, which include Teen’s Programme and Ethnic Minority Project, are developed for non-engaged youths aged 14 to 24. VTC also collaborates with the Social Welfare Department to provide tailor-made vocational training programmes for some residents at the Tuen Mun Children and Juvenile Home. 4.18 Non-Chinese-speaking students may also join the specially-designed VPET programmes, which include full-time diploma programmes in Business, Hospitality and Design for Secondary 3 and Secondary 6 school leavers, part-time preparatory programmes for skills training and trade tests in various trades for in-service personnel, and short courses on basic Vocational Chinese.