VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 5 151 APPENDICES One teaching staff from THEi appointed by the Chairman One teaching staff among the Heads of Department from IVE/HKDI/SBI/YC appointed by the Chairman One teaching staff among the Principal Lecturers from IVE/HKDI/SBI/YC appointed by the Chairman One managerial staff from the Pro-Act Training and Development Centres / HTI, CCI & ICI appointed by the Chairman One teaching staff among the Senior Lecturers from IVE/HKDI/SBI/YC appointed by the Chairman Two teaching staff among the Lecturers/Teaching Associates from IVE/ HKDI/SBI/YC appointed by the Chairman One teaching staff among the Instructor grade staff from IVE/HKDI/SBI/YC/ HTI, CCI & ICI appointed by the Chairman Five elected staff representatives Secretary Nominated by the Strategic Planning Office Note: The term of office is two years.