職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2017/2018

67 VTC students are given a host of educational avenues to develop their full potential and talent for the 21st century. Through our holistic approach, as well as a variety of cross-disciplinary projects and student development programmes, students are able to sharpen their capabilities. Design thinking was incorporated and contextualised in the curricula of a number of our programmes to help train students in the spirit and skills they need to achieve practical and creative resolution. In the past year, VTC students took part in various competence-building initiatives, such as demonstrating their eloquence, confidence and maturity in the ‘Speak for Success Programme’ funded by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Other rewarding programmes included IVElite, the Wofoo Leaders’ Network, and the ‘Road to Marathon’ sponsored by Mr LAU Ming-wai and The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust. VTC 採用多元教學法,讓學生充分發揮潛 能和專長,迎接 21 世紀的挑戰。貫徹全 人發展的理念,透過跨學科專題研習及發 展項目,助學生提升實力。 我們將設計思維融入多個課程,結合教學 內容,協助學生掌握技巧,構思務實創新 的解難方案。 過去一年,我們舉辦多姿多采的活動,學 生積極參與,從中培養技能才幹。例如香 港上海滙豐銀行贊助的「說出成功路計 劃」,訓練學生的表達、自信和沉穩表現。 「學長啟導計劃」、「和富領袖網絡」、 劉鳴煒先生及劉鑾雄慈善基金贊助的長跑 訓練計劃「 Road to Marathon 」等多項活 動,令學生獲益良多。 EQUIPPING MINDS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 啟發 21 世紀思維