Page 6 - 職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2016/2017
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                  Vocational Training Council                                        職業訓練局

                  Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is      職業訓練局(VTC)於 1982 年成立,是香港
                  a leading vocational and professional education and training       具規模的職業專才教育機構,每年為約25萬名
                  (VPET) provider in Hong Kong.  Every year, our comprehensive       學生提供全面的職前和在職訓練,頒發國際認
                  range of pre-employment and in-service programmes equips a         可的學歷資格。
                  quarter of a million students with the valuable credentials and
                  qualifications they need to reach their potential.

                  Members of the VTC Group                                           VTC 機構成員

                  Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi)   香港高等教育科技學院
                  Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK)           高峰進修學院
                  School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)               才晉高等教育學院
                  Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)                  香港專業教育學院
                  Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)                                  香港知專設計學院
                  Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI)                                  酒店及旅遊學院
                  Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI)                                   中華廚藝學院
                  International Culinary Institute (ICI)                             國際廚藝學院
                  Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI)                        海事訓練學院
                  Youth College                                                      青年學院
                  Pro-Act by VTC                                                     卓越培訓發展中心
                  Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC)                    匯縱專業發展中心
                  Shine Skills Centre                                                展亮技能發展中心

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