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    Asian Student KOSEN Experience Programme 2010 & 2011, Japan

    The Asian Student KOSEN Experience Programme is organised by the Center for International Student Exchange (CISE), KOSEN, the Institute of National Colleges of Technology (INCT), Japan.  KOSEN (College of Technology) system is an engineering education system in Japan created in response to a strong demand from industry to foster engineers.  In order to promote globalization of the National Colleges of Technology (NCT), students and staff from Asian countries of varied institutes were invited to join the programme in Japan. Our EMT Department is one of them. It is an enjoyable programme. Students have broadened their horizons and enriched their multicultural experiences. Certainly, they can gain valuable insights in higher education, economy, history, and the culture of Japan.

    Monodzukuri Camp with Kumamoto National College of Technology (KNCT), 2009 -2011, Japan and Hong Kong

    A student exchange programme organised by the Department of EMT and Kumamoto National College of Technology (KNCT). The main objectives of this programme are to promote academic and cultural exchange as well as to improve students’ technical communication ability. Key contents include mobile robot programmes for path tracking through acquiring knowledge in aesthetic design, construction and testing.

    Taiwan trip, May 2011, Taiwan

    Students paid a visit to Yodex (Young Designers exhibition in Taiwan), a hometec bicycle factory in Taiwan and also had a cualtural exchange visit with the Mingchi University. The visit broadened their exposure and the students got a chance to share their learning experience with students in other country as well.

    WuHan Exchange Camp, April 2011, China

    Understanding of the development of Wuhan industrial and manufacturing.
    Arrangements for students to have an exchange with Wuhan University students in the Wuhan University and visit local enterprises such as Wuhan Iron and Steel factory and Dongfeng Motor Corporation.

    Institute of Technical Education (Singapore) and HKIVE Student Exchange Programme, October 2010, Hong Kong

    9 students from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Singapore joined the Industrial Automation and Intelligent Robots training in our department in Oct, 2011.

    3D CAID Exchange Programme Ontario High School, Mansfield (Ohio), June 2010, United States

    Cultural exchange with the local high school and our students shared their learning and experience with the local students. It was a golden chance for them to meet people with different cultural background and they gained a lot from it.