Prospectus for Part-time Programmes 2023

升讀大學途徑 Progression Pathways to Universities SHAPE夥伴大學 Partner Universities 中國藥科大學 China Pharmaceutical University 中國藥科大學是一所歷史悠久、在藥學界享有盛譽的教育 部直屬「211工程」和國家「雙一流」建設高校。學校前 身為始建於1936年的國立藥學專科學校,是我國歷史上 第一所由國家創辦的藥學高等學府。該校在全國第四輪學 科評估中,藥學學科獲A+評級,位列第一檔。在2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities Rankings中, 其藥理學與毒理學學科 (Pharmacology and Toxicology) 位列 全球第7位、亞洲第3位。 China Pharmaceutical University is known for its long history and its leading role in China's pharmaceutical academia. It is one of the "211 project" key universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China, and listed among the "Double First-Class" universities in China. The University was founded in 1936 as China's first independent four-year National College of Pharmacy and the first public institution for higher pharmaceutical education in China. In the 4th round of academia assessment in China, China Pharmaceutical University was being assessed A+ in pharmaceutical area. In U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities Rankings 2023, Pharmacology and Toxicology subject of the University ranks 7th globally and 3rd in Asia. 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 RMIT University, Australia 皇家墨爾本理工大學於1887年創辦,是一所集科技、設 計及企業於一身的國際大學。根據2022年Times Higher Education (THE) 世界大學重要性排名,皇家墨爾本理工大 學位列全球第22位,並於THE校齡少於50年的大學中名列 澳洲第12、全球第55。該校由2018至2021年連續榮獲QS 五星評級;在2022年QS世界大學排名中,建築及建築環 境範疇名列澳洲第3及全球第31、機械、航空及製造工程 範疇名列澳洲第7、電氣及電子工程範疇名列澳洲第10、 以及土木及結構工程範疇名列澳洲第8。 Established in 1887, RMIT University (RMIT) is a global university of technology, design and enterprise. RMIT ranks 22nd globally in the 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings. The University also ranks 12th in Australia and 55th in the world among universities less than 50 years old (THE Young University Rankings 2022). RMIT has been awarded 5 QS Stars in 2018-2021, it ranks 3rd in Australia and 31st globally in the "Architecture / Build Environment" subject area, 7th in Australia in "Engineering – Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing", 10th in Australia in "Engineering – Electrical and Electronic", and 8th in Australia in "Engineering – Civil and Structural" (QS Rankings by Subject 2022). 英國洛森比亞大學 Northumbria University, UK 洛森比亞大學是一所著重學術研究、以商業為主導及提供 專業培訓的學府,其優秀的學術成就享譽國際。洛森比亞 大學是2020年度Times Higher Education (THE) 世界大學 排名中冒升最快的英國大學;2021年,獲The Guardian University Guide評選為英國排名前30的大學;2022年獲 得THE年度大學殊榮;2023年於QS星級評審中獲得最高的 整體評級,成為五星院校,並於Complete University Guide 英國大學食品科學範疇排名第11,旅遊、交通、旅行及遺 跡學範疇排名第14。該校擁有超過30,000名學生,包括 7,000名來自144個國家的國際學生,是一所國際性的大 學。此外,大學通過國際高等商管教育聯盟(AACSB)認證, 同時獲得商業及會計兩項認證,該校的商學院是全球最傑 出的學院之一。 Northumbria University is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. It was the fastest rising UK University in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2020; it ranked in the top 30 universities in the UK in The Guardian University Guide 2021; it awarded the University of the Year in THE Awards 2022. In 2023, it became a 5-Star institution after achieving top rating overall in the QS Stars audit; it also ranked 11th in the UK for "Food Science" and 14th in "Tourism, Transport, Travel & Heritage Studies" (Complete University Guide). With over 30,000 students, including 7,000 International students from 144 countries, Northumbria is a global university. Having been awarded Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) double accreditation in business and accounting, Northumbria is part of an elite group of business schools worldwide. 英國林肯大學 University of Lincoln, UK 林肯大學憑藉其教學及研究質素,於國際享負盛名。根據 2023年The Guardian University Guide英國大學排名,該 校於學生滿意度指數中位列前30名,並於產品設計範疇 及製藥及藥理學範疇位列全英第2、平面設計範疇及體育 科學範疇分別位列全英第19及21;2022年Times Higher Education (THE) 年青大學排名中位列全球首130名;2023 年QS世界大學排名獲最高的五星評級,以及名列世界首 1,000名大學。憑藉其專業的教職員、先進的設施、與行 業的密切聯繫、開創性的研究和以學生為主的教學方針, 林肯大學旨在為學生提供現今環球職場發展所需的技能。 The University of Lincoln has established an international reputation for the quality of its teaching and research. The University is placed among the top 30 universities in the UK for student satisfaction in the Guardian University Guide 2023. Lincoln is listed in the world's top 130 in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings 2022, it holds a maximum five-star score overall in the QS Stars ratings system of global universities, and feature in the QS World University Rankings 2023 of the world's top 1,000 universities. With its expert staff, modern facilities, close links with industry, pioneering research, and studentled approach, Lincoln aims to provide the tools you need to achieve your career aspirations in today's global workplace. It ranked 2nd in the UK for both "Product Design" and "Pharmaceutical & Pharmacology" subject area, 19th in the UK for "Graphic Design", and 21st in the UK for "Sports Science" by The Guardian University Guide 2023. 8