Prospectus for Part-time Programmes 2023

夜間兼讀制課程 Part-time Evening Programmes 11 高級文憑 Higher Diploma • 健康及生命科學 Health and Life Sciences 12 • 設計 Design 15 • 工程 Engineering 18 • 酒店及旅遊 Hospitality 24 • 資訊科技 Information Technology 27 基礎課程文憑 Diploma of Foundation Studies 32 職專文憑 Diploma of Vocational Education 34 職專證書 Certificate of Vocational Education 37 證書 Certificate 39 入學申請 Application • 申請程序 Application Procedures 41 • 一般入學條件 General Entrance Requirements 45 • 學費 Tuition Fees 47 日間兼讀制課程 Part-time Day Programmes 48 高級文憑 Higher Diploma • 健康及生命科學 Health and Life Sciences 49 • 工程 Engineering 50 職專文憑 Diploma of Vocational Education 54 職專證書 Certificate of Vocational Education 62 證書 Certificate 67 入學申請 Application • 申請程序 Application Procedures 68 • 一般入學條件 General Entrance Requirements 69 • 學費 Tuition Fees 71 課程資料 Programme Information 目錄 Contents 職業訓練局簡介 Introduction of VTC 4 升讀大學途徑 Progression Pathways to Universities 6 兼讀制進修階梯 Progression Ladder for Part-time Study 10 專業文憑 / 專業證書 Professional Diploma / Professional Certificate 72 商業 Business 73 幼兒、長者及社會服務 Childcare, Elderly and Community Services 74 設計 Design 75 工程 Engineering 80 酒店及旅遊 Hospitality 83 資訊科技 Information Technology 84 其他專業課程 Other Professional Programmes 86 職學計劃 Earn and Learn Scheme 88 職業訓練局學生舍堂 Halls of Residence 90

願景 Vision 成為亞太區卓越的職業專才教育機構 To be the leading provider of vocational and professional education and training (VPET) in the region. 使命 Mission 為離校生及在職人士提供具價值的進修選擇,協助培養正確觀 念、掌握知識技能、積極終身學習、提升就業競爭力; 為業界提供具價值的支援,促進行業人力發展。 To provide a valued choice to school leavers and working adults to acquire values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability. To provide valued support to industries for their manpower development.

職業訓練局簡介 Introduction of VTC 職業訓練局(VTC)於1982年成立,是香港最具規模的職業專才教育機構,轄下機構成員眾 多,開辦課程種類廣博,頒授各類認可資歷,為年輕人提供多元及具價值的進修良機,讓同 學掌握專業技術知識,並培養學習熱忱,引領他們踏上成功之路。 Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. VTC draws strength from the number of Member Institutions, breadth of programmes and variety of accredited qualifications to provide the youth various valued choices cultivating the passions for learning while imparting the necessary skills and know-how for success.

以下VTC機構成員開辦兼讀制高級文憑、基礎課程文憑、職專文憑、職專證書及證書課程: The following VTC's member institutions offer part-time Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies, Diploma of Vocational Education, Certificate of Vocational Education, and Certificate programmes: 香港專業教育學院 提供多元學科課程,涵蓋高級文憑至證書 課程,為業界提供具價值的人才。 IVE provides programmes covering different disciplines and at levels ranging from higher diploma to certificate, nurturing talents valued by industries. 香港知專設計學院 作為香港卓越的設計院校,致力提供優質 設計課程,為創意工業培育專才。 HKDI is a leading design institution in Hong Kong, providing quality design education to nurture new talents needed by the creative industries. 青年學院 為中三以上程度青少年提供全日制及兼讀制課程,讓 學生按自己的興趣選擇專業科目,為將來升學或就業作好準備。 Youth College offers a wide range of full-time and part-time study choices for youths above Secondary Three to acquire knowledge and skills for further studies and employment. 5

升讀大學途徑 Progression Pathways to Universities 才晉高等教育學院 School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) SHAPE擁有由頂尖大學組成的伙伴網絡,為高級文憑畢業生及其他持副學位之人士提供具信譽及認受性的銜接 學位課程,並為在職人士提供升讀學位課程的機會。以下概要列出2023/24學年提供的銜接學位課程: SHAPE has a strong network of leading universities, enabling Higher Diploma graduates and other sub-degree holders to progress to a reputable and recognisable top-up degree programme and providing working adults with an opportunity to pursue further study at degree level in Hong Kong. An overview of the top-up degree programmes offered in the academic year 2023/24 is as follows: 學科 Discipline 伙伴大學 Partner University 課程名稱 Programme Title 課程註冊 編號 Reg. No. 全日制 Full-time 兼讀制 Part-time 健康及生命科學 Health and Life Sciences 中國藥科大學 China Pharmaceutical University 中藥學專業理學學士學位銜接課程 BSc Degree Programme in Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutics 231191 ü 英國考文垂大學 Coventry University, UK BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science 見備註 See note ü ü 英國洛森比亞大學 Northumbria University, UK BSc (Hons) Environmental Science 252502 ü BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition 251919 ü 林肯大學 University of Lincoln BSc (Hons) Health and Exercise Science 253218 ü BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science 253219 ü 商業 Business 英國考文垂大學 Coventry University, UK BA (Hons) Business Administration 251732 ü BA (Hons) International Marketing 252719 ü 英國洛森比亞大學 Northumbria University, UK BA (Hons) Business and International Management 253017 ü BA (Hons) International Banking and Finance 253018 ü 英國謝菲爾德哈蘭大學 Sheffield Hallam University, UK BA (Honours) Business and Human Resource Management 252133 ü BA (Honours) Business Management 252135 ü 幼兒、長者及 社會服務 Childcare, Elderly and Community Services 西英格蘭大學 UWE Bristol, UK BA (Hons) Early Childhood 253201 ü ü BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care 253136 ü ü 款接、旅遊及文娛 Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 英國謝菲爾德哈蘭大學 Sheffield Hallam University, UK BSc (Honours) Events and Leisure Management 251420 ü BSc (Honours) International Hospitality Business Management 251510 ü BSc (Honours) International Tourism Management 251421 ü BSc (Honours) Sport Business Management 251511 ü BSc (Honours) Sport Coaching 252564 ü 英國洛森比亞大學 Northumbria University, UK BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Tourism Management 250997 ü 6

部分課程單元已加入持續進修基金可獲發還課程名單內。 Some modules of the above courses are included in the list of reimbursable courses under Continuing Education Fund. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lead. 備註:本課程的註冊申請已提交予非本地課程註冊處審批並正在處理中。 Note: Application for registration of this course has been submitted to Non-local Courses Registry and is under process. 學科 Discipline 伙伴大學 Partner University 課程名稱 Programme Title 課程註冊 編號 Reg. No. 全日制 Full-time 兼讀制 Part-time 設計 Design 英國考文垂大學 Coventry University, UK BA (Hons) Media 252720 ü 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學 Nottingham Trent University, UK BA (Hons) Fashion Design 251504 ü BA (Hons) International Fashion Business 251505 ü 英國謝菲爾德哈蘭大學 Sheffield Hallam University, UK BA (Honours) Jewellery, Materials and Design 252251 ü BA (Honours) Product Design 258188 ü 英國林肯大學 University of Lincoln, UK BA (Hons) Architecture 252460 ü BA (Hons) Design for Event, Exhibition and Performance 252461 ü BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design 253121 ü 西英格蘭大學 UWE Bristol, UK BA (Hons) Fine Art 253254 ü BA (Hons) Graphic Design 253266 ü BA (Hons) Illustration 253265 ü 工程 Engineering 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 RMIT University, Australia Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation) 212652 ü ü Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management) (Honours) 212256 ü ü Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Infrastructure) (Honours) 211755 ü ü Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (Honours) 211110 ü ü Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (Honours) 212248 ü ü 英國考文垂大學 Coventry University, UK BSc (Hons) Construction Management 252032 ü 英國中央蘭開夏大學 University of Central Lancashire, UK BEng (Hons) Building Services and Sustainable Engineering 252295 ü BSc (Hons) Architectural Studies 252562 (3) ü BSc (Hons) Building Surveying 252193 (3) ü BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying 252192 (3) ü 西英格蘭大學 UWE Bristol, UK BEng (Hons) Building Services Engineering 252610 ü ü BEng (Hons) Electronic and Computer Engineering 252822 ü BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology and Design 252831 ü ü 資訊科技 Information Technology 英國考文垂大學 Coventry University, UK BSc (Hons) Computing 252436 ü ü BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity 253042 ü 西英格蘭大學 UWE Bristol, UK BSc (Hons) Digital Media 252421 ü ü BSc (Hons) Information Technology 252070 ü ü 7

升讀大學途徑 Progression Pathways to Universities SHAPE夥伴大學 Partner Universities 中國藥科大學 China Pharmaceutical University 中國藥科大學是一所歷史悠久、在藥學界享有盛譽的教育 部直屬「211工程」和國家「雙一流」建設高校。學校前 身為始建於1936年的國立藥學專科學校,是我國歷史上 第一所由國家創辦的藥學高等學府。該校在全國第四輪學 科評估中,藥學學科獲A+評級,位列第一檔。在2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities Rankings中, 其藥理學與毒理學學科 (Pharmacology and Toxicology) 位列 全球第7位、亞洲第3位。 China Pharmaceutical University is known for its long history and its leading role in China's pharmaceutical academia. It is one of the "211 project" key universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China, and listed among the "Double First-Class" universities in China. The University was founded in 1936 as China's first independent four-year National College of Pharmacy and the first public institution for higher pharmaceutical education in China. In the 4th round of academia assessment in China, China Pharmaceutical University was being assessed A+ in pharmaceutical area. In U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities Rankings 2023, Pharmacology and Toxicology subject of the University ranks 7th globally and 3rd in Asia. 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 RMIT University, Australia 皇家墨爾本理工大學於1887年創辦,是一所集科技、設 計及企業於一身的國際大學。根據2022年Times Higher Education (THE) 世界大學重要性排名,皇家墨爾本理工大 學位列全球第22位,並於THE校齡少於50年的大學中名列 澳洲第12、全球第55。該校由2018至2021年連續榮獲QS 五星評級;在2022年QS世界大學排名中,建築及建築環 境範疇名列澳洲第3及全球第31、機械、航空及製造工程 範疇名列澳洲第7、電氣及電子工程範疇名列澳洲第10、 以及土木及結構工程範疇名列澳洲第8。 Established in 1887, RMIT University (RMIT) is a global university of technology, design and enterprise. RMIT ranks 22nd globally in the 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings. The University also ranks 12th in Australia and 55th in the world among universities less than 50 years old (THE Young University Rankings 2022). RMIT has been awarded 5 QS Stars in 2018-2021, it ranks 3rd in Australia and 31st globally in the "Architecture / Build Environment" subject area, 7th in Australia in "Engineering – Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing", 10th in Australia in "Engineering – Electrical and Electronic", and 8th in Australia in "Engineering – Civil and Structural" (QS Rankings by Subject 2022). 英國洛森比亞大學 Northumbria University, UK 洛森比亞大學是一所著重學術研究、以商業為主導及提供 專業培訓的學府,其優秀的學術成就享譽國際。洛森比亞 大學是2020年度Times Higher Education (THE) 世界大學 排名中冒升最快的英國大學;2021年,獲The Guardian University Guide評選為英國排名前30的大學;2022年獲 得THE年度大學殊榮;2023年於QS星級評審中獲得最高的 整體評級,成為五星院校,並於Complete University Guide 英國大學食品科學範疇排名第11,旅遊、交通、旅行及遺 跡學範疇排名第14。該校擁有超過30,000名學生,包括 7,000名來自144個國家的國際學生,是一所國際性的大 學。此外,大學通過國際高等商管教育聯盟(AACSB)認證, 同時獲得商業及會計兩項認證,該校的商學院是全球最傑 出的學院之一。 Northumbria University is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. It was the fastest rising UK University in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2020; it ranked in the top 30 universities in the UK in The Guardian University Guide 2021; it awarded the University of the Year in THE Awards 2022. In 2023, it became a 5-Star institution after achieving top rating overall in the QS Stars audit; it also ranked 11th in the UK for "Food Science" and 14th in "Tourism, Transport, Travel & Heritage Studies" (Complete University Guide). With over 30,000 students, including 7,000 International students from 144 countries, Northumbria is a global university. Having been awarded Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) double accreditation in business and accounting, Northumbria is part of an elite group of business schools worldwide. 英國林肯大學 University of Lincoln, UK 林肯大學憑藉其教學及研究質素,於國際享負盛名。根據 2023年The Guardian University Guide英國大學排名,該 校於學生滿意度指數中位列前30名,並於產品設計範疇 及製藥及藥理學範疇位列全英第2、平面設計範疇及體育 科學範疇分別位列全英第19及21;2022年Times Higher Education (THE) 年青大學排名中位列全球首130名;2023 年QS世界大學排名獲最高的五星評級,以及名列世界首 1,000名大學。憑藉其專業的教職員、先進的設施、與行 業的密切聯繫、開創性的研究和以學生為主的教學方針, 林肯大學旨在為學生提供現今環球職場發展所需的技能。 The University of Lincoln has established an international reputation for the quality of its teaching and research. The University is placed among the top 30 universities in the UK for student satisfaction in the Guardian University Guide 2023. Lincoln is listed in the world's top 130 in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings 2022, it holds a maximum five-star score overall in the QS Stars ratings system of global universities, and feature in the QS World University Rankings 2023 of the world's top 1,000 universities. With its expert staff, modern facilities, close links with industry, pioneering research, and studentled approach, Lincoln aims to provide the tools you need to achieve your career aspirations in today's global workplace. It ranked 2nd in the UK for both "Product Design" and "Pharmaceutical & Pharmacology" subject area, 19th in the UK for "Graphic Design", and 21st in the UK for "Sports Science" by The Guardian University Guide 2023. 8

英國謝菲爾德哈蘭大學 Sheffield Hallam University, UK 謝菲爾德哈蘭大學是英國最大型及多元化的大學之一,擁 有約30,000名學生,來自100個不同國家。於2020年,該 校獲Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide評為年 度優質教學大學;2021年獲評選為傑出企業家大學及英國 社會流動性年度大學;2022年被選為英國北部教育年度大 學;2023年榮獲QS世界大學排名的最高的五星榮譽。根據 2023年The Guardian University Guide英國大學排名,該校 於酒店、活動管理及旅遊,以及室內設計範疇分別位列第6 及第11。此外,大學的商學院獲得國際高等商管教育聯盟 (AACSB)認證,全球只有約5%大學取得此國際認證。 Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) is one of the largest and most diverse universities in the UK, with around 30,000 students from 100 different countries, SHU was named Quality Teaching University of the Year by the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide in 2020; Outstanding Entrepreneurial University and UK Social Mobility Awards University of the Year in 2021. SHU is also proud to be 2022 Educate North University of the Year and awarded a maximum five-star rating in the 2023 QS Stars. It ranked 6th in the UK for "Hospitality, Event Management & Tourism" subject area, and 11th for "Interior Design" (The Guardian University Guide 2023). In addition, Sheffield Business School is accredited by the Association to Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), placing it within the top 5% of business schools globally. 英國考文垂大學 Coventry University, UK 考文垂大學成立於1843年,前身為考文垂設計學院,該校 於2023年慶祝創校180週年,是一所充滿活力的外向型大 學。考文垂大學保留優秀的學術傳統,研究富影響力,並 於全球廣結合作伙伴。於2022年,該校在世界大學排名的 國際展望指數中名列全球首100位,以及於全英學生調查 中的中部地區教學及學院滿意度排首位。根據2020/21英 國教育統計局(HESA)的數據,考文垂大學的海外學生人數 全英排名第3。此外,大學於2023年榮獲QS五星評級,並 於The Guardian University Guide英國大學媒體及電影研究 範疇以及建築、測量及規劃範疇排名第13。 Founded by entrepreneurs and industrialists as the Coventry School of Design in 1843, and in 2023 celebrated 180 years, Coventry University is a dynamic and outward-looking institution with a tradition of teaching excellence, impactful research and bold international partnerships. The University ranked top 100 in the world for "International Outlook" (Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings); 1st in the Midlands for student satisfaction with teaching and learning provision (National Student Survey 2022); 3rd in the UK for the number of overseas students (HESA data 2020/21). Coventry also ranked 13th in the UK for both "Media & Film Studies" and "Construction, Surveying & Planning" subject area (The Guardian University Guide 2023). 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學 Nottingham Trent University, UK 創立於1843年的諾丁漢特倫特大學藝術及設計學院,是 英國歷史最具規模、最著名及最備受專崇的學府之一。諾 丁漢特倫特大學有超過39,000名來自不同文化的學生, 其藝術及設計學院以卓越的創意及設計享譽國際。該校於 2023年榮獲QS五星評級,包括藝術及設計範疇;亦於The Guardian University Guide英國大學時裝及紡織範疇排名第 13,以及Complete University Guide英國大學藝術及設計範 疇排名第15。 Founded in 1843, the School of Art & Design at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is one of the most established, renowned and respected institutions in the UK. There is a multicultural community of more than 39,000 students at the University and the School of Art & Design has a global reputation for creativity and design excellence. In 2023, NTU was awarded 5 Stars in the QS Stars Ranking, including 5 stars for the specialist criteria of Art and Design; it also ranked 13th in the UK for "Fashion and Textiles" subject area (The Guardian University Guide) and ranked 15th in the UK for "Art & Design" (Complete University Guide). 英國中央蘭開夏大學 University of Central Lancashire, UK 中央蘭開夏大學是一所致力推動現代教育並設有多個校園 的國際化大學。以創新為本,該校的課程以實務融合卓越 的學術教學,務求讓學生掌握行業所需的技能與經驗。該 校享譽國際,是首間名列QS世界大學排名的英國現代大 學,2023年獲QS五星評級。此外,大學亦被2022-23年度 Center for World University Rankings評選為全球頂尖學府的 首7%;並於2023年Complete University Guide英國大學建 築範疇位列第23,以及The Guardian University Guide英國 大學測量及規劃範疇位列第30。 The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is the international, multi-campus university leading the way in modern learning today. Innovative by nature, UCLan offers courses which combine academic excellence with real-world teaching. The University was the first UK modern university to get into the QS World University Rankings, it received the maximum 5 QS Stars for internationalisation of QS Stars University Rankings 2023. In 2022-23, the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) placed UCLan in the top 7% of universities worldwide. In 2023, it ranked 23rd and in the UK for "Building" subject area (Complete University Guide), and 30th in the UK for "Construction, Surveying & Planning" (The Guardian University Guide). 英國西英格蘭大學 University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), UK 西英格蘭大學是一所朝氣蓬勃的現代大學,憑藉其備受推 崇的學位課程及就業機會,享譽國際。大學富啟發性的課 程及教學承諾,令該校持續於英國大學排名上獲得優秀表 現。2023年The Guardian University Guide英國大學排名 中位列24,並於建築學科排名第7、平面設計學科排名第 14、藝術學科排名第22;同年於Complete University Guide 英國大學建築學科排名第6;於2022年the Times Higher Education (THE) 年青大學排名116。 UWE Bristol is a thriving, modern university, with an excellent reputation for its well respected degrees and graduate employability. The University's inspiring courses and teaching commitment have led to its consistently high level of performance in many UK higher education rankings. In 2023, UWE Bristol ranked 24th in the UK, as well as 7th in "Architecture" subject area, 14th in "Graphic Design" and 22nd in "Fine Art" in the Guardian University Guide; 6th in the UK for "Building" subject area in the Complete University Guide. The University also ranked 116th in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University World Rankings 2022. 9

兼讀制進修階梯 Progression Ladder for Part-time Study 備註 Notes: 1. 職專文憑學生可因應興趣和需要,選讀適合自己的專業課程。課程設有職專證書(CVE)及職專文憑(DVE)學銜。職專文憑的 畢業生,符合報讀高級文憑課程的一般入學條件(設有特定入學條件的課程除外)。職專文憑課程一般入學條件請參閱第45頁。 DVE students can choose from an array of specialisations to suit their interests and needs. The DVE programmes offer two levels of awards, Certificate of Vocational Education (CVE) and Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE). Holders of DVE are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with specific entrance requirements). Please refer to page 46 for the general entrance requirements of DVE programmes. 2. 基礎課程文憑為新高中學制畢業生提供相關的學術及專業訓練,兼顧他們就業及繼續升學的需要。基礎課程文憑一般入學條件請參閱 第45頁。 The Diploma of Foundation Studies has the dual objectives of preparing HKDSE graduates for employment and further studies by equipping them with soft skills and trade-related knowledge. Please refer to page 46 for the general entrance requirements of Diploma of Foundation Studies. 3. 配合新高中學制的高級文憑課程,採用靈活的單元儲修及學分制,學生可因應個人興趣和需要,選擇完成相關的單元,以取得文憑 (Diploma)或高級文憑資歷。高級文憑一般入學條件請參閱第45頁。 Higher Diploma programmes designed under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure are operated on a flexible moduleaccumulated and credit-based system. Students can study relevant modules according to their interest and needs for pursuing a Diploma or Higher Diploma award. Please refer to page 46 for the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma. 4. THEi高科院提供學位銜接課程予相關的高級文憑畢業生。 THEi admits graduates from the relevant Higher Diploma programmes into the senior years of its Degree programmes. 5. 高級文憑畢業生可申請報讀SHAPE與海外大學協辦的學士學位銜接課程或由本地或海外大學開辦的學士學位課程。 Higher Diploma graduates can apply for admission to top-up degree programmes offered by SHAPE in collaboration with overseas universities, or degree programmes offered by local or overseas universities. 香港中學文憑考試 / 香港高級程度會考畢業生 HKDSE / HKALE Graduates 完成中六(新高中學制) Completion of S6 (under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure) 完成中三或以上 Completion of Secondary 3 or above 職專證書課程 Certificate of Vocational Education Programmes 學士學位課程4 Degree Programmes4 基礎課程文憑2 Diploma of Foundation Studies Programmes2 銜接學士學位課程5 Top-up Degree Programmes5 職專文憑課程1 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes1 高級文憑課程3 Higher Diploma Programmes3 學士學位課程5 Degree Programmes5 10

夜間兼讀制課程 Part-time Evening Programmes • 高級文憑 Higher Diploma • 基礎課程文憑 Diploma of Foundation Studies • 職專文憑 Diploma of Vocational Education • 職專證書 Certificate of Vocational Education • 證書 Certificate

健康及生命科學 Health and Life Sciences 健康及生命科學是現今社會不斷研究及發展的重要課題之一,所涵蓋的範疇非常廣泛,並且與日常生活息息相 關,而相關的技術及科技亦不斷發展。 因應市場對行業專才的龐大需求及迅速的發展,健康及生命科學學科致力提供專業及適時的教育和訓練,開辦 一系列專業課程,包括醫療保健、復康服務、醫務中心營運、應用營養學、生物醫學、藥劑科學、配藥學、生 物科技、食品科技及安全、化驗科學、化學科技、個人護理及美容產品學、環境科學、環境保護及環境管理、 保育及樹木管理、職業安全及緊急應變、體適能及運動營養學等,為學生提供職業訓練及升學打好基礎。同學 畢業後可即時投身專業行列或選擇繼續升學,成為專業人才。 One of the major topics around the world is the ever-changing and development of health and life sciences, covering a wide range of areas and closely related to daily life with the new discoveries and advancement of related technology. Health and Life Sciences Discipline continuously enhances the quality of the programmes to address the huge manpower needs in various areas and stays updated amongst the industry, as well as provides professional and timely education and training in response to these new horizons, which includes the areas of Health Studies, Rehabilitation Services, Medical Centre Operations, Applied Nutritional Studies, Biomedical Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Dispensing Studies, Biotechnology, Food Technology and Safety, Analytical Science, Chemical Technology, Beauty and Personal Care Products, Environmental Science, Environmental Protection and Management, Conservation and Tree Management, Occupational Safety and Emergency Operations, Fitness and Exercise Nutrition. Students are equipped with professional knowledge and skills which allow them to pursue further studies or embark on a professional career. 12

升讀大學 Articulation 選擇繼續升學的畢業生,可就讀(包括下列)本地及 海外大學學士學位課程︰ • 香港高等教育科技學院 (THEi高科院) • 澳洲昆士蘭科技大學 • 中國藥科大學 • 臺灣嘉南藥理大學 • 英國考文垂大學 • 英國基爾大學 • 英國倫敦南岸大學 • 英國密德薩斯大學 • 英國洛森比亞大學 • 英國雪菲爾德哈倫大學 • 英國普利茅斯大學 • 英國阿爾斯特大學 • 英國西蘇格蘭大學 • 英國林肯大學 • 英國愛丁堡納皮爾大學 Graduates opting for further studies are eligible to apply for the degree programmes offered by various local and overseas universities including: • Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) • Queensland University of Technology, Australia • China Pharmaceutical University • Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Taiwan • Coventry University, UK • Keele University, UK • London South Bank University, UK • Middlesex University London, UK • Northumbria University, UK • Sheffield Hallam University, UK • University of Plymouth, UK • University of Ulster, UK • University of the West of Scotland, UK • University of Lincoln, UK • Edinburgh Napier University, UK 就業前景 Career Prospects 畢業生可投身香港特別行政區政府的各部門工作,包 括食物環境衞生署、環境保護署、政府化驗所及醫院 管理局。他們亦可從事私家醫院、分科診所、安老院 舍、醫務中心、藥廠、保險公司、聯營藥房、個人護 理產品及美容連鎖集團、營養及健康食品公司、食物 生產和品質監管、連鎖超級市場及飲食集團、環境顧 問公司、化學工業、公證行、化驗所、營養顧問公 司、復康中心及安全顧問公司等工作。 Graduates are employed by different HKSAR Government departments, including the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Environmental Protection Department, Government Laboratory and Hospital Authority of the HKSAR. They are also employed in private hospitals, polyclinics, residential care homes, medical centre, pharmaceutical plants, insurance companies, pharmacy chain stores, personal care products and beauty chain stores, nutrition and health food product companies, food manufacturing and quality assurance, food chain supermarkets, environmental consulting firms, chemical enterprises, research and testing laboratories, nutritional consultation companies, wellness centre and safety consultation firms, etc. 專業認可 Professional Recognition 本學科的課程獲本港及海外專業團體認可,包括: • 香港特區政府醫院管理局 • 香港中醫藥管理委員會 • 香港藥劑業及毒藥管理局 • 香港特區政府社會福利署 • 香港特區政府勞工處 • 香港特區政府樹木管理辦事處 • 香港測檢認證協會有限公司 • 香港食品專業協會 • 香港食品科技協會有限公司 • 香港食品衛生管理人員協會 • 香港藥劑技術員協會 • 香港化粧品同業協會 • 香港化妝品化學師協會 • 香港醫務行政學院 • 澳洲醫學科學家學院 • 英國皇家生物學學會 • 英國皇家化學學會 Many professional bodies in Hong Kong and overseas acknowledge the quality of our programmes, including: • Hospital Authority of the HKSAR • Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong • Pharmacy and Poisons Board Hong Kong • Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR • Labour Department of the HKSAR • Tree Management Office of the HKSAR • Hong Kong Association for Testing, Inspection and Certification Limited • Hong Kong Food Professionals Association • Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association Limited • Hong Kong Food Hygiene Administrators Association • Hong Kong Pharmacy Technicians Association (HKPTA) • The Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Limited • The Hong Kong Society of Cosmetic Chemists • The Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives • Australian Institute of Medical Scientists • Royal Society of Biology, UK • Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK 13

健康及生命科學 Health and Life Sciences AS524421 配藥學高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Dispensing Studies • 課程教授有關配藥學專門知識,技能和技巧之全面專業培訓;並幫助學生培養負 責任、認真以及專業的態度。適合有志投身配藥服務行業之學生修讀。 • 本課程著重通識教育、語文訓練、全人發展和職場工作體驗,為學生畢業後繼續 升學或就業作更佳裝備。 • The programme provides students with comprehensive professional training of a wide range of knowledge, skills and techniques in pharmaceutical dispensing services. It helps students to develop a responsible and respectful attitude as well as professional ethics. It is suitable for students who are planning to pursue a career in dispensing services. • This programme is designed with an emphasis on generic and language training, whole-person development and workplace experience to better prepare students for further studies and employment after graduation. ※ 部份單元安排在香港專業教育學院(柴灣)上課。 Some modules of the programme will be conducted at IVE (Chai Wan). @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課3 - 4晚,每學年一般3個學期 (包括夏季 學期)。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 3 to 4 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters (with summer semester) per academic year. 註: 學生需自行安排行業實習 / 培訓。 Note: Students need to arrange the practical training / industrial attachment by themselves. 開辦分校 Offering Campus IVE (KC) ※ 修讀期 Study Duration@ 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 334 * 所有學生須修讀全人發展單元並取得合格,方可畢業。全人發展單元詳情見第31頁。 All students will be required to take and pass all of the Whole Person Development modules before graduation. For details of the Whole Person Development modules, please refer to page 31. 有關課程的最新及詳細資料,請瀏覽 For the latest and detailed information of the programmes, please visit Higher Diploma 課程資料 Programme Information 夜間兼讀制課程 PTE Programmes 14 高級文憑

設計 Design 香港素有亞洲創意之都的美譽,透過以人為本的創新意念及產品迎合環球良機,並藉以帶來龐大的經濟效益。 為配合政府在本土文化及創意產業的發展,設計學科經由香港知專設計學院 (HKDI) 一直提供高質素專業設計 教育,培育知識、專業精神兼備的新人才,以促進及鞏固香港創意工業發展,滿足各行業對創新設計與日俱增 的需求。 Hong Kong has emerged as one of the regional creative capitals, where innovation creates global values and opportunities and generates enormous economic value. In support of the government policy on developing the cultural and creative industries, Design Discipline provides through Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) the quality design education that cultivates knowledge, professionalism and new talents facilitating the prosperity of the creative industries and responding to the growing demand for design innovation of enterprises. 15

升讀大學 Articulation 選擇繼續升學的畢業生,可報讀(包括下列)本地及 海外大學學士學位課程: • 香港高等教育科技學院 (THEi高科院) • 香港城巿大學 • 香港浸會大學 • 香港樹仁大學 • 嶺南大學 • 香港中文大學 • 香港教育大學 • 香港恒生大學 • 香港理工大學 • 香港演藝學院 • 香港大學 • 英國伯明翰城市大學 • 英國考文垂大學 • 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學 • 英國牛津布魯克斯大學 • 英國謝菲爾德哈蘭大學 • 英國創意藝術大學 • 英國林肯大學 • 英國威斯敏斯特大學 Graduates opting for further studies are eligible to apply for the degree programmes offered by various local and overseas universities including: • Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) • City University of Hong Kong • Hong Kong Baptist University • Hong Kong Shue Yan University • Lingnan University • The Chinese University of Hong Kong • The Education University of Hong Kong • The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University • The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts • The University of Hong Kong • Birmingham City University, UK • Coventry University, UK • Nottingham Trent University, UK • Oxford Brookes University, UK • Sheffield Hallam University, UK • University for the Creative Arts, UK • University of Lincoln, UK • University of Westminster, UK 就業前景 Career Prospects 畢業生可從事各設計行業,包括平面、廣告、數位、 聲音、視覺傳意、品牌、信息、插畫、用戶體驗、多 媒體、產品、珠寶、時計、眼鏡配飾、建築、室內、 展覽、舞台、佈景、傢俱、時尚產品、形象、時裝視 覺營銷及時裝設計師、攝影師、視覺藝術創作及藝術 行政助理、時裝品牌策劃人、時裝買手、時裝編輯、 髮型師、動畫師、電影及電視製作助理、聲效工程師 及音樂製作人等。 Graduates may be employed as graphic, advertising, digital, sound, visual communication, brand, information, illustration, user experience design, multimedia, product, jewellery, timepiece, eyewear, architectural, interior, exhibition, stage, set, furniture, lifestyle product, fashion image, fashion visual merchandising and fashion designers, photographers, artists and art administration assistants, fashion brand management executives, fashion buyers, fashion journalists, hairstylists, animators, TV and film production assistants, audio engineers, and music producers, etc. 專業認可 Professional Recognition 本學科的課程獲本港及海外專業團體認可,包括: • 亞洲髮型藝術家協會 (AHMA) • 香港作曲家及作詞家協會 (CASH) • 英國D&AD • 香港印藝學會 (GAAHK) • 香港電影後期專業人員協會 (AMP4) • 香港設計師協會 (HKDA) • 香港數碼娛樂協會 (HKDEA) • 香港時裝設計師協會 (HKFDA) • 香港專業攝影師公會 (HKIPP) • 香港紡織及服裝學會 (HKITA) • 香港室內設計協會 (HKIDA) • 香港珠寶設計師協會 (HKJDA) • 香港插畫師協會 (HKSI) • 香港工業設計師協會 (IDSHK) • 印刷媒體專業人員協會 (IPP) • 電影電視工程師協會香港分會 (SMPTE-HK) • 香港廣告商會 (HK4As) • 香港舞台技術及設計人員協會 (HKATTS) • 香港園境師學會青年組 (YLAG) • 美國The One Club for Creativity Many professional bodies in Hong Kong and overseas acknowledge the quality of our programmes, for example: • Asia Hair Masters Association (AHMA) • Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited (CASH) • Design and Art Direction (D&AD), UK • Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong (GAAHK) • Hong Kong Association of Motion Picture Post Production Professionals (AMP4) • Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA) • Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association (HKDEA) • Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA) • Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers (HKIPP) • Hong Kong Institution of Textile and Apparel (HKITA) • Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) • Hong Kong Jewellery Designers Association (HKJDA) • Hong Kong Society of Illustrators (HKSI) • Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong (IDSHK) • Institute of Print-media Professionals (IPP) • Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Hong Kong Section (SMPTE-HK) • The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (HK4As) • The Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technicians & Scenographers (HKATTS) • The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA) – Young Landscape Architects' Group (YLAG) • The One Club for Creativity, USA 16

設計 Design DE524112 Vplus 插畫設計高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Illustration • 本課程旨在發展學生以創意及媒體應用為基礎的插畫演繹技巧。以加強畢業生的 觀察分析能力、視覺傳意方法和插畫演繹技巧。 • 本課程提供廣泛的學習經驗,並培養插畫師應有的創作力、人際溝通、項目管理 和團隊合作精神的專業技巧,以配合市場的急速發展及不同要求。 • The Higher Diploma in Illustration aims to equip students with creative and effective illustration skills. Aims to enhance students' critical and analytical thinking, graphic manipulation, visual expression and concept visualisation. • This programme provides a broad educational experience with creativity, project management, interpersonal communication and team-building skills which match industry demands for flexible, articulate graduates who are able to compete in a dynamic, fast-paced and ever-changing regional creative environment. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課3 - 4 晚,每學年一般3個學期 (包括夏季學 期)。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by HKDI, on average 3 - 4 evenings in weekdays per week, normally 3 semesters (with summer semester) per academic year. 開辦分校 Offering Campus HKDI 修讀期 Study Duration@ 2.5 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 348 Higher Diploma Vplus 此課程已加入「Vplus創意專才」進修資助計劃,有關資助計劃詳情,請參閱 。 This programme joined the "Vplus Creative Industries" under the "Vplus Subsidy Scheme". Details of the subsidy scheme can be found at * 所有學生須修讀全人發展單元並取得合格,方可畢業。全人發展單元詳情見第31頁。 All students will be required to take and pass all of the Whole Person Development modules before graduation. For details of the Whole Person Development modules, please refer to page 31. 有關課程的最新及詳細資料,請瀏覽 For the latest and detailed information of the programmes, please visit 課程資料 Programme Information 夜間兼讀制課程 PTE Programmes 17 高級文憑

工程 Engineering 隨著政府即將發展北部都會區並建設香港成為宜居城市,以及所推行的大型基建和住宅房屋政策,令社會對工 程人才的需求甚殷。 工程學科提供全方位的工程專業課程,包括建造工程、電機及電子工程、機械工程及屋宇裝備工程,以及運輸 工程。工程學科擁有強大的業界網路、先進的校園設備,以及資歷水準高而實戰經驗豐富的教學團隊,為學生 提供優質和專業工程學課程。除技術知識外,工程學科亦十分著重實務訓練,透過模擬實況工作環境和職場實 習,學生能汲取所需知識,掌握專業技術,以裝備自己迎合事業發展或未來升學的需要。 Engineering professionals are in high demand with the promotion on the Northern Metropolis Development, building Hong Kong as a Liveable City, and advent of the variety of large-scale infrastructure and residential projects to cope with development needs of society. The Discipline covers a wide spectrum of studies including construction, electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical and building services engineering, and transportation. Supported by its strong industry network, stateof-the-art facilities, and highly qualified teaching team, the Discipline provides quality and professionally-oriented engineering programmes to secondary school leavers and industry practitioners. Apart from technical knowledge, the Discipline has always stressed the importance of practical experience. Through simulated workplace environments and work attachments, students could equip themselves with professional knowledge and skills that they will need for career development and pursue further studies. 18

升讀大學 Articulation 畢業生可報讀本地及海外大學相關學位課程。為鼓勵 終生學習,職業訓練局轄下的才晉高等教育學院,聯 同下列海外大學,提供銜接學位課程予工程學科畢業 生繼續升學: • 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 • 英國考文垂大學 • 英國中央蘭開夏大學 • 西英格蘭大學 Graduates can apply for relevant degree programmes offered by the local and overseas universities. To encourage life-long learning, SHAPE of VTC in collaboration with the following overseas universities, offers top-up degree programmes to graduates of Engineering Discipline: • RMIT University, Australia • Coventry University, UK • University of Central Lancashire, UK • University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), UK 就業前景 Career Prospects 畢業生可出任助理工程師、工程監督、測量主任、建 築及室內設計師、環境技術主任、保養工程監工、工 程安全監督主任、屋宇檢驗員、項目統籌員、產品設 計師、建築資訊模型(BIM)技術員 / 顧問或技術主任 等職位。 Graduates are usually hired as assistant engineers, works supervisors, survey officers, architectural and interior designers, environmental officers, maintenance supervisors, construction safety supervisors, building inspectors, project coordinators, product designers, BIM technicians / consultants and technical officers. 專業認可 Professional Recognition 本學科的課程獲得多個專業團體和政府部門認可,例 如: • 香港工程師學會 • 香港營造師學會 • 香港測量師學會 • 英國皇家特許測量師學會 • 香港工程監督學會 • 香港汽車工業學會 • 香港特區政府民航處 • 香港特區政府機電工程署 • 香港特區政府屋宇署 Programmes offered by the Discipline are recognised by various professional bodies and government departments, including: • Hong Kong Institution of Engineers • Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers • Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors • The Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works • The Institute of the Motor Industry Hong Kong • The Civil Aviation Department of the HKSAR • The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the HKSAR • The Buildings Department of the HKSAR Vplus工程專才 Vplus Engineering Vplus工程專才(前稱「工程專才進修資助計劃」 (ETSS)) 由香港特別行政區政府批准撥款推行,蓋涵於 Vplus專才資助之內。Vplus工程專才旨在鼓勵在職人 士持續進修,爭取更高學歷,協助他們在社會向上流 動,同時提升建築及工程行業專業人才的水平。學生 修讀指定VTC的建築、工程等學科的兼讀制專業課程, 可申請Vplus工程專才。符合相關申請條件的學生可獲 退還合資格課程60%的學費,上限為每人45,000元。 有關資助計劃詳情,請參閱 Vplus Engineering (previously called the "Engineering Training Subsidy Scheme" (ETSS)) is part of the Vplus Subsidy Scheme, which supported by the HKSAR Government for promotion of lifelong learning. To encourage working adults to pursue higher qualifications geared towards upward mobility while promoting professionalism in construction and engineering disciplines, Vplus Engineering will subsidise students pursuing the designated VTC professional part-time programmes. Students fulfilling the application criteria will be refunded 60% of eligible programmes' tuition fees, subject to a maximum of $45,000 per person. For details of the subsidy scheme, please visit the website at 19

工程 Engineering Vplus 此課程已加入「Vplus工程專才」進修資助計劃,有關資助計劃詳情,請參閱 。 This programme joined the "Vplus Engineering" under the "Vplus Subsidy Scheme". Details of the subsidy scheme can be found at . EG524101 Vplus 土木工程高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering • 提供專業知識和技術,並培養個人獨立思考及創新思考,發揮決策和管理才能, 讓學生能夠從事土木工程或相關的工作。 • 畢業生可擔任技術員及技術工程師,以投身土木工程、結構工程及建造業。 • 畢業生於累積所需經驗後,可獲認受為香港特區政府屋宇署有關「監工計劃書」 適任技術人員T1至T3級別。 • Provides students with professional knowledge and technical skills, develops students' ability to think independently and make professional judgements, enabling them to pursue a career as higher technicians in civil engineering or related fields. • Graduates can develop careers as technicians or technician engineers in the civil / structural engineering and construction industry. • Graduates with stipulated experience are eligible to be fitted into Grade T1 to T3 of the Technically Competent Person (TCP) in the Site Supervision Plans issued under the Buildings Ordinance. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課4晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 4 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. # 部份單元,例如土木工程建造實習,工作實習,工程測量等,可能被安排在日間進行。 Some modules of the programme, e.g. Industrial Training for Civil Engineering, Industrial Attachment, Engineering Surveying, etc., may be conducted in the daytime. 開辦分校 Offering Campus IVE (TY) 修讀期 Study Duration@# 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 329 EG524105 建造管理學高級文憑 Vplus Higher Diploma in Building Studies • 為學生投身建築界擔任技術、督導及管理崗位作好準備。 • 畢業生於累積所需經驗後,可獲認受為香港特區政府屋宇署有關「監工計劃書」 適任技術人員T1至T3級別。 • Prepares students for technical, supervisory and managerial positions in the building industry. • Graduates with stipulated experience are eligible to be fitted into Grade T1 to T3 of the Technically Competent Person (TCP) in the Site Supervision Plans issued under the Buildings Ordinance. ※ 部份單元可能被安排在校外中心上課。 Some modules of the programme may be conducted at outside centre. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課4晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 4 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. # 部份單元,例如工藝實習,職場實習,土地測量等,可能被安排在日間進行。 Some modules of the programme, e.g. Practical Training, Industrial Attachment, Land Surveying, etc., may be conducted in the daytime. 開辦分校 Offering Campus IVE (MH) ※ IVE (TM) 修讀期 Study Duration@# 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 329 Higher Diploma 20 高級文憑