
工程 Engineering 機械工程學高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering EG314701 開辦分校 Offering Campus IVE(TY) 修讀期 Study Duration@ 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 334 本課程著重學術、技術和管理知識,為有志投身與機械工程有關專業的學生,提供必需的知識和技能培訓,培養他們成為 能幹的專才。 畢業生可受聘於廠房設備維修及保養、飛機維修、主題公園、物流貨運、機電工程顧問、機電承建商、科技產品設計、檢 驗等機械工程有關行業為助理工程師、管工、技術主任、技術操作員、技術服務員及電腦繪圖員等職位。 The programme provides students with the necessary academic, technical and management knowledge and skills to become competent professionals in mechanical engineering. Graduates may be employed as assistant engineers, supervisors, technical officers, operations staff, services officers and computer-aided draftsmen in the areas of plant facilities repairs and maintenance, aircraft maintenance, theme parks, E&M operation and maintenance, testing and inspection, product design, transportation and logistics, technical products services or utilities sectors. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課1日及1 - 2晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 1 day and 1 - 2 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. 屋宇裝備工程學高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Building Services Engineering EG314702 開辦分校 Offering Campus IVE(MH) 修讀期 Study Duration@ 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 330 本課程提供屋宇裝備工程的專業知識及技能,讓學生可以獨立處理問題及發揮團體精神。 畢業生可獲屋宇裝備工程顧問公司、承建商、物業發展及管理公司、設備供應商及政府部門等聘用,投身各項的基建及建 築相關工程,包括新發展項目、舊區重建、樓宇復修及現樓維修保養等。 裝備畢業生達到符合香港特區政府機電工程署所承認的註冊成為「B級電業工程人員」的學歷要求。 The programme provides students with professional knowledge and technical skills in the building services engineering industry, and enables them to work as professional individuals and efficient team players. Graduates may be employed by building services consultants, property development and management companies, contractors and government departments, responsible for infrastructure development and construction related projects, including new developments, urban renewal projects, maintenance and upgrading of existing buildings. Equips graduates to satisfy the academic requirements for registration as Grade B Electrical Worker under the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the HKSAR. ※ 部份單元可能被安排在校外中心上課。 Some modules of the programme may be conducted at outside centre. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課1日及1 - 2晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 1 day and 1 - 2 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. ※ Vplus ENG Vplus ENG 50