電腦及電子工程高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Computer and Electronic Engineering EG314403 開辦分校 Offering Campus IVE(ST) 修讀期 Study Duration@ 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 305 本課程旨在培訓學生所需的專業知識和技能,結合理論與實際應用,使他們成為電腦、電子及通訊工程、控制與自動化或 相關領域的專業工程人員。 The programme provides students with the necessary technical and professional knowledge and skills, via the blending of theoretical knowledge and practical application, to become professionals in Computer, Electronic and Communications Engineering, Control and Automation, or related fields. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課1日及1 - 2晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 1 day and 1 - 2 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. 電機工程高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering EG314401 開辦分校 Offering Campus IVE(HW) 修讀期 Study Duration@ 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation* 332 本課程提供電能應用及電力裝置的專業知識和技能,讓學生能投身有關於電力工程及供電系統等工作。 裝備畢業生達到符合香港特區政府機電工程署所承認註冊成為「B級電業工程人員」的學歷要求。 The programme provides students with professional knowledge and skills in electrical power and electrical installation to enable them to work in a specialised area in electrical services and electrical supply system. Equips graduates to satisfy the academic requirements for registration as Grade B Electrical Worker under the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the HKSAR. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課1日及1 - 2晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by IVE, on average 1 day and 1 - 2 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. 註:申請人應在電機工程或相關行業工作,方被考慮。 Note: Applicant should be employed in the field of Electrical Engineering or relevant trade. Vplus ENG 此課程已加入「Vplus工程專才」進修資助計劃,有關資助計劃詳情,請參閱https://vplus.vtc.edu.hk/eng This programme joined the "Vplus Engineering" under the "Vplus Subsidy Scheme". Details of the subsidy scheme can be found at https://vplus.vtc.edu.hk/eng * 所有學生須修讀全人發展單元並取得合格,方可畢業。全人發展單元詳情見第29頁。 All students will be required to take and pass all of the Whole Person Development modules before graduation. For details of the Whole Person Development modules, please refer to page 29. 有關課程的最新及詳細資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and detailed information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission Vplus ENG Vplus ENG 高級文憑 Higher Diploma 49 課程資料 Programme Information 日間兼讀制課程 PTD Programmes