Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

42 43 商業推廣及項目管理高級文憑 英國侯城赫爾大學市場學 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士 香港大學電子商貿及互聯網工程理科碩士 Easco Telecommunications Limited 電子商務總監 Graduate of HD in Business Promotion and Event Management BA(Hons) in Marketing, University of Hull, UK MSc in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing, The University of Hong Kong Head of E-Commerce, Easco Telecommunications Limited 商業 BUSINESS 在 IVE 學習期間,我不但學會了市場推廣知識,更有機會 到鴻福堂公司實習及完成畢業論文。當時我們需要為涼茶 產品撰寫市場研究報告,並直接向 CEo 匯報。這次實習經 歴很難忘,不但讓我把課堂學到的理論和知識應用於實際 營銷環境中,亦確立我的升學及事業發展路向,為我之後 到英國留學及投身職場打好基礎。 During my studies in IVE, not only did I learn marketing knowledge, but also had chance to attach in Hung fook Tong. our group needed to study Chinese herbal tea and to present our marketing research report to the CEo. This memorable experience allowed me to put theories from classroom into practice, and assured my further studies and career direction. It built a good foundation for my later studies in the UK and my current job. 楊錫豪 YEUNG Sik Ho