Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

102 103 陳令祺 CHAN Ling Ki 數據科學及分析高級文憑 英國伯明翰大學人工智能及電腦科學理學士 Graduate of HD in Data Science and Analytics BSc in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science University of Birmingham, UK 資訊科技 Information Technology IVE 課程實用並鼓勵學生多參與,著重於發展學生的專業。 我在這裏學習數據科學,令我對自己的興趣及資訊科技行業 有更深的體會。在學期間,謝謝老師們的指導及鼓勵,有幸 參與不同相關的講座及比賽,得到很多與專業人士交流及實 習的機會,亦認識到一班志同道合的同學。這些學習機會亦 為我現在升讀大學及將來投身工作建立良好的基礎及準備。 This practical programme provided me the latest knowledge and skills required for employment and further study. It also aroused my interest in data science and information technology with personal advice and encouragement from lecturers. I was offered many opportunities to attend seminars, competitions and internship, which allowed me to learn from the expertise in the industry. These learning opportunities provided me a good foundation and preparation for my articulation to university study in the United Kingdom and for my future career.