VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 2 33 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE VTC HONORARY FELLOWSHIPS 2.70 As the highest recognition conferred by VTC, the Honorary Fellowships are awarded to distinguished individuals in recognition of their significant contributions to VTC, the development of VPET, or the community of Hong Kong. 2.71 The following distinguished individuals were awarded VTC Honorary Fellows in 2023 for their contributions to VTC: Mr Simon CHAN Sai-ming 陳細明先生, BBS, JP Chairman, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited 香港數碼港管理有限公司主席 Mr Roy LO Wa-kei 盧華基先生 Managing Partner, ShineWing Hong Kong 信永中和香港管理合夥人 Mr Paul TAI Lun 戴麟先生 Regional Director - Far East, Mainetti Group 萬美集團遠東區總裁 Dr YAU Wing-kwong 邱榮光博士, JP Chief Executive Officer, Environmental Association Limited 環保協進會有限公司行政總監