VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 2 29 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE HEADQUARTERS (INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP) 2.54 Headquarters (Industry Partnership) (HQ(IP)) engages and collaborates with industry partners, trade and employer organisations to: a) administer and promote apprenticeship training in Hong Kong and help industries to nurture skilled personnel for development; b) promote and collaborate with industries to facilitate learning at authentic training environment including workplace learning and assessment; c) promote and coordinate lifelong learning to enable upskilling and reskilling of working adults through the Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC); d) provide professional support services to international and regional skills competitions and to promote VPET through organising local skills competitions and related activities; e) coordinate professional secretarial support for 25 TBs of the Council, conduct manpower surveys and information update; and administer various training schemes and different VPET assessments including Recognition of Prior Learning for nine industries and cross-border credentials; and f) strengthen and coordinate the industry networking efforts and activities of the VTC’s various operational units. HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION 2.55 The Human Resources Division is responsible for the development of human resources strategies, policies and guidelines to enable VTC to attract, motivate, develop and retain a dynamic and competent workforce. The Division’s services include manpower planning, staff appointments and deployment, training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, and staff relations. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DIVISION 2.56 The Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) plays a pivotal role in the comprehensive planning, implementation, and management of academic and enterprise-level information systems, cybersecurity measures, and the Council’s IT infrastructure. 2.57 ITSD assumes a crucial role as the “Central IT” function in close collaboration with the Digital Office (DO), driving the council’s digital transformation initiatives across academic disciplines, Campuses, and corporate operational units, facilitating seamless coordination, optimal resource allocation, and meticulous planning, execution, and development of digitalisation endeavors throughout the Council.