VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 5 196 VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL Centre Managers / Managers-in-charge of related Pro-Act Training and Development Centres / Director of MSTI Academic Directors of the Languages, Student Development, and Information Technology Disciplines or their nominees (SL rank or above or equivalent) (applicable to Health and Life Sciences, Business, Childcare, Elderly and Community Services, Design, Engineering, Hospitality, and Information Technology Academic Committees) Academic Directors of the Health and Life Sciences, Business, Childcare, Elderly and Community Services, Design, Engineering, Hospitality, and Information Technology Disciplines or their nominees (SL rank or above or equivalent) (applicable to Languages, Student Development, and Information Technology Academic Committees) Chairpersons of all working groups under the Committee’s purview Members One representative from each programme area elected among relevant teaching departments Two student representatives nominated by the Academic Director Co-opted Members Invited at the discretion of the Committee Secretary Appointed by the Chairperson Assistant Secretary Appointed by the Chairperson Notes: 1. The terms of office for elected members and student representatives are two years and one year respectively. [Student representatives will be required to withdraw from the meeting when assessment results and academic awards are discussed.] 2. The maximum number of terms of office for elected / nominated member is three.