VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 5 194 VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL APPENDIX 31 DISCIPLINE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Terms of Reference To formulate the strategic development of the Discipline taking into account the advice from the various VTC boards and committees and to submit annually a Discipline strategic plan to the VETAB. To oversee the provision and operation of the programmes / modules offered by the Discipline and related Pro-Act Centres and assure the academic standards of those programmes/modules in close liaison with campus management. To consider the programme plan, staff plan and staff development plan of the Discipline. To collaborate with other Discipline Academic Committees and the Foundation Studies Board to assure the academic standards of those programmes/modules that cut across Disciplines and to foster strategic planning and development of relevant Foundation Studies programmes. To formulate supplementary guidelines, where necessary, to implement approved policies. To oversee and review the implementation of the quality assurance measures within the Discipline and related Pro-Act Centres, including examining Programme Quality Analysis Reports (PQARs) / Module Quality Analysis Reports (MQARs) and endorsing improvement actions proposed. To review Assessment Reports from Departments / Operational Units / related Pro-Act Centres and give recommendations on proposed actions related to academic matters or relevant to the development of the Discipline. Within the authority delegated by the VETAB, - to consider and approve special cases of assessment results and award lists of programmes; - to receive and consider examination statistics, admission statistics and other performance indicators; - to approve and appoint External Examiners / Module Examiners;