VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 5 180 VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL APPENDIX 25 ACADEMIC BOARD OF TECHNOLOGICAL AND HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF HONG KONG The Academic Board regulates the academic affairs of the Institute, subject to the financial control of the Institute Council. Terms of Reference To recommend to the Institute academic policies on teaching and research; To plan, develop and review all teaching and research in line with the Institute’s policies and regulations; To advise the Institute Council on matters which are relevant to the work of the Institute; To formulate and review procedures for monitoring the academic standards of the programmes; To receive reports from, and to give guidance and directions to, its Committee(s) and other academic units of the Institute; To approve the list of graduates for the degrees undertaken; To terminate students’ enrolment on academic or disciplinary grounds; To appoint committees and working parties as appropriate; To co-opt such additional members to serve on the Academic Board as may be required; and To exercise such other powers as the Institute Council may authorise and perform other duties as it may require. Composition Chairperson Vice President (Academic) Deputy Chairperson A Head of the Department appointed by the President