VTC Calendar 2023-24

Part 5 168 VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL APPENDIX 18 PEAK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Terms of Reference To report to the Vocational Education and Training Management Committee (VETMC) on matters related to the development and operations of PEAK. To formulate business strategies for the development of PEAK. To formulate administrative policies of PEAK. To determine the allocation, deployment and utilisation of resources of PEAK. To oversee the implementation of quality assurance matters and the operation of PEAK’s programmes (both award-bearing and non-award bearing programmes), service and products, including the Self-assessment process. To undertake any tasks referred to it by VETMC. Composition Chairperson Principal of PEAK Members Associate Principal of PEAK Two Senior Project Officers appointed by the Chairperson One representative elected among the staff of PEAK in the ranks of Training Consultant/Assistant Training Consultant/Senior Project Officer/Project Officer Secretary Appointed by the Chairperson Note: The term of office of staff representatives is two years.