職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2019/2020

75 At the VTC, we attach great importance to corporate citizenship, and strive to fulfil our social responsibility through a wide range of community services that contribute to communal well-being. During the year under review, the VTC received the Social Welfare Department’s Merit Award for Highest Service Hours after completing over 136,000 hours of volunteer service, contributed by over 7,000 students. We were also commended as a ‘15 Years Plus Caring Organisation’ by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for our dedication to caring for the community, our employees and the environment. Contributing to Social Good At the VTC, we aim to keep our practices environmentally-friendly with sustainable measures. Last year, we conducted a pilot scheme for green building assessment and formulation of a carbon footprint reduction plan was underway. Landscape Architecture students and staff joined the Environmental Protection Department in co-creating a conceptual design for a solar farm and recreational landscape in Tseung Kwan O to ramp up Hong Kong’s renewable energy production and education. VTC students and staff have also made meaningful use of their professional expertise to promote inter-generational harmony. An 18-month scheme titled ‘Promoting 3D Food Printing in the Community’ commenced last year to heighten concern for the elderly among secondary school students and industries. Through a series of workshops and activities, students and industries were encouraged to design appealing and nutritious food with 3D printing technology, with a particular view to helping those elderly people who had difficulty in chewing or swallowing whole foods. FULF I LL ING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBI L I TY 履行企業社會責任 VTC 重視企業公民精神,積極參與各 種社區服務,貢獻社群。 年內, VTC 獲社會福利署頒發「最高 服務時數優異獎」,超過 7,000 名學 生參與逾 13 萬 6,000 小時的義工服 務。 香港社會服務聯會亦嘉許 VTC 為「 15 年 Plus 同心展關懷」機構,表揚我們 對社區、僱員及環境的關顧。 貢獻專長 造福社群 我們亦倡導綠色文化,實踐可持續的 環保措施。去年, VTC 試行綠色建築 評估,亦正制訂減少碳足跡計劃。 同時,園境建築課程的學生及員工聯 同環境保護署,合力為將軍澳太陽能 發電場和賞覽設施製作概念設計,以 協助提高本港再生能源的產量,及加 強相關推廣教育。 VTC 學生和員工亦發揮所長,積極促 進跨代共融。 去年,我們推出了為期 18 個月的「營 印未來」健康推廣計劃,透過推廣 3D 立體食品打印技術與應用,鼓勵中學 生及業界關注長者需要。學生及業界 透過連串工作坊及活動,利用立體打 印技術,設計賣相吸引又富有營養的 食品,供有咀嚼或吞嚥困難的長者享 用。