職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2019/2020

51 The VTC spares no effort in strengthening its international outreach. Study tours, familiarisation visits, shared programmes and projects with multi-national partners enable VTC students and staff to broaden their world view and gain the international capabilities to prosper in today’s global landscape of increased economic and cultural interfaces. During the year, the VTC forged new ties or strengthened existing bonds with international partners from Finland, France, Germany, India, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. New MoUs were signed to put in place collaborations and exchanges with renowned academic institutions such as Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland; University of the Arts London and Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom; and Southern California Institute of Architecture and the University of Arizona in the United States. Driving Home World Insights and Knowledge Meanwhile, we continue orchestrating joint events with our overseas partners to benefit our students, staff and society through the exchange of valuable insights and knowledge. An example was the seminar series Arboriculture and Sustainable Urban Forest Management organised by THEi, which gathered local and overseas experts to share their green knowledge and expertise. Under the International Visiting Fellows/Scholars Scheme and the Visiting Fellows/Creators-in- Residence Scheme, professionals and experts were invited from Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States to meet VTC students and staff, and give professional advice on skills development in the fields of design and culinary arts. Master talks were hosted to share world-class insights across the community, including industry partners, practitioners, staff and students, elevating the reputation of VPET among the public. GLOBAL NETWORK 環球網絡 VTC 致力拓展國際網絡,並透過舉辦 學習交流、參觀考察及與多國伙伴機 構合辦課程和專題項目,擴闊師生的 視野,提升知識和技能,迎接環球經 貿、文化融合而帶來的發展機遇。 年內, VTC 與來自芬蘭、法國、德國、 印度、挪威、瑞典、瑞士、荷蘭、土 耳其、英國和美國的國際伙伴加強合 作聯繫。我們與多家知名學府新簽合 作備忘錄,推動雙方開展合作和交流 項目,包括芬蘭圖爾庫應用科學大學、 英國倫敦藝術大學和曼徹斯特城市大 學、美國南加州建築學院和亞里桑那 大學等。 環球視野 觀摩學習 去年,我們續與海外伙伴合辦不同活 動,為 VTC 學生、員工,以至社會各 界引入啟發性思維。其中, THEi 主辦 的「樹木栽培與可持續城市森林管理」 研討會系列,匯聚多位本地及海外專 家,分享有關綠化城市的專業識見。 我們亦推行國際訪問學者資助計劃, 以及訪問學人/駐校創作家計劃,邀 請來自奧地利、丹麥、法國、德國、 英國和美國的專家來訪,與 VTC 師生 分享設計和廚藝領域技能發展的真知 灼見。我們舉辦的大師班講座,讓社 會各界包括行業合作伙伴、從業員、 教職員和學生,了解世界級專家的精 闢見解,並藉此推廣職業專才教育。