職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2019/2020

15 Sincere thanks also go to my predecessor Dr Roy CHUNG, a visionary leader who has left a strong legacy for the VTC to continue its transformative journey. Under his leadership, we have enhanced the VTC’s infrastructure for teaching and learning, and strengthened ties with industry and partners in different parts of the world, providing further opportunities to inspire our students with a world vision. Last but not least, I want to thank the Government, industry collaborators and our partner institutions for their unstinting contributions to elevating VPET to greater prominence. Building on these solid foundations, I am confident that we are on the right road to continuing our mission, pursuing every opportunity to nurture skilled talent for the future. 我們續與業界伙伴緊密合作,包括中 華電力、國際商業機器公司、摩根大 通、微軟、港鐵和西門子等,為教學 增添行業觸覺,同時為學生提供專題 研習和實踐機會。 銘謝同行 共創未來 展望未來,我深信只要我們堅守信念, 秉承專業精神,定能化挑戰為機遇。 透過加強與業界聯繫,共創協作,將 能培養新一代人才,運用所學貢獻社 會。 我衷心感謝理事會成員、管理層和 VTC 全體員工一直以來的努力和付出, 使我們在這充滿挑戰的一年仍能結下 豐碩成果。我亦感謝訓練委員會成員 就行業人力需求提供寶貴意見,令我 們的課程得以緊貼職場所需。 在此,我謹向前任主席鍾志平博士表 達謝意,鍾博士是極具遠見的領袖, 他為 VTC 打下紮實根基,令我們能靈 活應對時代步伐,持續發展。在鍾博 士的帶領下, VTC 完善了多項教學設 施,亦加強了與業界和世界各地合作 伙伴的聯繫,為學生帶來更多拓闊國 際視野的機會。 最後,我要感謝政府、業界伙伴和合 作機構的支持,使我們可以提供更優 質的職業專才教育。 憑藉堅實的基礎,我深信我們定能繼 續實踐使命,為未來培育更多專業 人才。 We have also collaborated with industry partners such as CLP Power, IBM, JP Morgan, Microsoft, MTR and Siemens to bring industry perspectives into our teaching and learning, while providing project and practical opportunities for VTC students. Vote of Thanks Looking ahead at times of changes, I trust that by maintaining our core values of dedication and professionalism, we can turn challenges into opportunities. By increasing industry collaboration and co-creation, we hope to nurture a new breed of talent who can put their skills to good use and make contributions to our community. I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to our Council Members, senior management and the VTC family for their unfailing efforts and devotion, which have enabled us to continue making advancements in this special year. I have to thank our Training Board members for their valuable insights into the manpower needs of industries, making our programmes relevant to the world of work. Tony TAI Chark-tong Chairman 主席 戴澤棠