職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2018/2019

75 Promoting Inter- generational Harmony To connect the younger and older generations, a number of projects promoting inter-generational harmony were designed. For example, our students designed a range of furniture and products to facilitate inter-generational co-living in their Co- Senior+ project. Their creations were showcased in an international design event, the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, Italy. Another initiative was a ‘Storylab’ mobile application created to promote inter-generational communication through a digital life story-telling platform, facilitating the sharing of cultural inheritance, value education and language acquisition. The application reached the Asia Finals of the Stanford Design Challenge 2018, organised by the Stanford Center on Longevity in the United States, and received the Most Popular Award. 推動跨代共融 為聯繫長青兩代,我們推出多項跨 代共融設計項目。當中,由學生設 計、鼓勵跨代共居的「 Co-Senior+ 」 家 具 及 產 品 系 列, 更 於 意 大 利 米 蘭 國 際 家 居 設 計 及 家 具 展 Salone Internazionale del Mobile 中展出。 另外,我們的學生開發「 Storylab 同 謠」手機程式,利用數碼科技辨識方 言,蒐集長者故事,鼓勵跨代溝通, 同時達至文化承傳、價值教育的目的。 該應用程式更揚威海外,躋身美國史 丹福大學長壽中心舉辦的「史丹福銀 髮設計競賽亞洲區大賽 2018 」的入圍 作品,更勇奪觀眾人氣獎。