職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2018/2019

53 Driving Impact with World Insights and Knowledge In the past year, we organised various joint events with overseas partners. The International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE) attracted around 250 local and overseas participants from ten countries and regions to share knowledge and experience in practice-based engineering and technology education. The Fourth International Conference on Linguistics and Languages Studies was held by THEi in collaboration with The Chartered Institute of Linguists Hong Kong Society to promote the professional use of languages in Hong Kong. A multi-dimensional, educational and cultural programme called ‘Imaging Poland’, organised by HKDI in collaboration with the University of the Arts Poznan (UAP) and featuring an exhibition, lectures, workshops, discussion sessions and film screenings, enhanced the teaching and learning of VTC staff and students. In addition, globally recognised trainers and world-renowned professionals were invited to share their expertise and insight with VTC lecturers and students. During the year, professionals from Austria, Finland, France, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States conducted skills demonstrations, training workshops, master talks and seminars in a wide range of areas covering STEM Education, culinary skills, landscape architecture, gerontechnology and nursing. 啟迪新知 教學相長 去年,我們與海外伙伴合辦不同活 動,包括國際促進科技教育研討會, 吸引來自十個國家及地區約 250 位本 地與海外人士參與,分享工程和科技 教育的知識和經驗; THEi 與英國特許 語言學會香港分會合辦「第四屆語言 學及語言研究國際會議」,推廣專業 界別的語言應用; HKDI 與波蘭波茲南 藝術大學合辦跨媒體的教育文化活動 「 Imaging Poland 」,內容包括展覽、 講學、研習坊、討論與電影放映等元 素,提升 VTC 師生的教與學體驗。 此外,我們邀請全球知名的培訓導師 和專家親臨,與 VTC 師生分享心得。 他們來自奧地利、芬蘭、法國、日本、 台灣,土耳其、英國及美國等地,為 我們主持技藝示範、培訓工作坊、大 師講座、研討會,涵蓋 STEM 教育、 廚藝、園境建築、樂齡科技、護理等 多個範疇。