職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2018/2019

43 New Facilities to Promote Smart Learning To make learning more fun and effective, the VTC has continued the development of smart training facilities to facilitate active and action-based learning. The Building Information Modelling Innovation Hub (BIMiHub) was established in Tsing Yi campus to equip students and in-service practitioners with the latest know- how to support technological development of the industry. The hub also advances our collaborations with industry partners to promote BIM solutions for the industry. More smart city-related training facilities will be put into operation in 2019/20 academic year, including the Innovation and Technology Co- Creation Centre, Cybersecurity Centre and Internet-of-Things Innovation and Technology Centre. Making use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, teaching and learning packages have been developed to enhance students’ learning experience in the automobile, aircraft maintenance, building services engineering and maritime services sectors. We have also joined hands with industry partners to offer customised training solutions for such sectors as logistics, airport operations and lift maintenance. Simulating workplace environments, these training packages and solutions allow students to undertake different tasks and react to safety-critical and rare events, enhancing their work- readiness and preparing them to make appropriate decisions when facing dangerous or extraordinary situations. 嶄新設施 支援學習新科技 為加強學習成效及趣味,我們繼續提 升教學設施,鼓勵學生透過體驗學習, 活用技能。 設於 VTC 青衣校園的 BIM 創新中心, 為學生及在職人士提供最新的建築信 息模擬應用技術培訓,支援工程界的 科技發展,中心亦會積極與業界進行 合作。 2019/20 學年, VTC 將有新增 培訓設施,包括業界共創中心、網絡 安全中心和物聯網中心,以配合智慧 城市的發展。 我們亦運用虛擬實境( VR )和擴增實 境( AR )技術,為汽車工程、飛機維 修、屋宇設備工程、海事服務等範疇, 製作多套教材,加強學生的學習體驗。 此外,我們又針對個別界別所需,如 物流業、機場營運及升降機維修等, 與業界攜手設計培訓內容,以增強成 效。培訓內容模擬真實的工作環境, 有助提升學生的實操能力,以及面對 安全及罕有事故的臨場應變力。