職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2018/2019

15 Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP Chairman 主席 鍾志平博士 , GBS, BBS, JP Pioneering Digital Transformation With technological developments having a transformative impact on many industries and even economies worldwide, we are very conscious of the need to stay constantly on top of emerging trends and be ready to digitalise the working and learning space. Our aim at the VTC is to be a pioneer in our field and ensure that we can continue providing a robust and sustainable VPET system that meets industry’s needs for skilled, innovative, technology-savvy and work- ready professionals. I would like to warmly thank my fellow Council Members, the HKSAR Government and all other stakeholders for their support in the past year. By building on our solid base of excellence, the VTC will continue to contribute to talent development for industry and society. We will continue to take forward workplace learning and assessment to enhance training effectiveness, and introduce our Pilot Incentive Scheme to Employers to encourage employer participation in these assessments. Meanwhile, the VTC continues to forge partnerships and collaborations to drive VPET and innovations that can have a positive impact on society. For example, we joined J.P. Morgan and Microsoft in establishing pilot talent incubation and employability programmes respectively to help VTC students advance their STEM careers. 我們將繼續推廣職場學習及評核,提 升培訓成效,透過推出職場學習及評 核先導計劃,鼓勵僱主參與其中。 VTC 一直與各界建立緊密的伙伴及合 作關係,一同推動職業專才教育及創 新發展,為社會增值。年內,我們分 別與摩根大通及微軟合作,推出明日 專才培育計劃及科技專才培訓先導計 劃,協助 VTC 學生發展與 STEM 相關 的事業。 培育專才 走在前沿 科技發展日行千里,為各行各業以至 全球經濟帶來新動力。 VTC 一直與時 並進,積極在機構及學習層面推動數 碼化。我們以提供優質、穩健、可持 續發展的職業專才教育為目標,培育 學生成為實幹、技術及創意兼備的專 才。 我衷心感謝理事會成員、香港特區政 府及各持份者過去一年的支持。憑藉 堅實的基礎, VTC 今後定能繼續為社 會及行業培育更多專才。