職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2017/2018

84 Promoting Good Corporate Citizenship At the VTC, we commit to fulfilling our corporate social responsibility and promoting environmental protection, aiming to benefit the local community and society at large. The VTC received the Merit of Highest Service Hours Award 2017 (Public Organisations) at the Hong Kong Volunteers Awards Presentation Ceremony held by Social Welfare Department, with nearly 13,500 student and staff volunteers having carried out close to 250,000 service hours. We were also commended as a ‘10 Year Plus Caring Organisation’ by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services, in appreciation of our endeavours in caring for the community, our employees and the environment. Driving Environmental Protection Progress has been made in environmental protection in 2017/18. New actions undertaken included gaining BEAM PLUS Certification for some of our campuses, implementing green procurement and commencing a Carbon Footprint Reduction Study for the VTC. Our student environmental ambassadors performed over 1,000 hours of volunteer service for a number of community environmental events, and we were also one of the co- organisers of the Hong Kong Green School Award to drive environmental management and education in local pre-schools, primary schools and secondary schools. Joining hands with over 3,700 children, their parents and 80 kindergartens and nursery schools, the VTC Child Education Centre for Teaching and Learning organised the ‘Big Wasters, Big Savers’ - Kids’ Greenway Achievement Ceremony and Green Day Community Event, where a Guinness World Record for ‘Most toys donated in one hour’ was broken with 3,381 toys collected to donate to the less privileged in Hong Kong. Promoting Inter-Generational Harmony To encourage the public to cherish life and family, a team of students from our Childcare, Elderly and Community Services discipline devised the innovative ‘Time Traveler – Life Education x Escape Game’, which was one of the top three finalists in the 2017/18 Stanford Design Challenge Asia. The game can be further enriched with Virtual Reality technology to enhance the user experience and reach out to a greater segment of the community.