Honorary Fellowships
Dr Kevin LAU Kin-wah, MH, JP
Chairman and Managing Director, the Hanville Group
*Extract from Order of Ceremony 2013- Dr Kevin LAU Kin-wah was conferred the VTC Honorary Fellowship by then Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr Matthew CHEUNG, GBS, JP at Graduation Ceremony 2013
Dr Kevin LAU is the Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of the Hanville Group. He graduated from the former Lee Wai Lee Technical Institute in the 1980s and thereafter started his own business. Today, he has become a prominent figure in the watch and clock industry. Dr Lau was presented with the VTC 20th Anniversary Award for Outstanding Graduate in 2002. He was an awardee of the Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong in 2004.
Dr Lau is actively serving on many trade and professional associations including President of Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institute , Honorary President of the Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers Association Limited, Awardee Member of Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council, Elected Member of Hong Kong Brand Development Council, Executive Committee Member of The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong, Vice President of The Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries, and Founding Member of Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association.
Dr Lau also contributes in various public services including being a member of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Chairman of Promotion and Development Task Force of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee, a member of Vetting Committee of the SME Development Fund and the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (Organisation Support Programme), as well as a member of Small and Medium Enterprises Committee of the Trade and Industry Department.
Dr Lau is a staunch supporter of the VTC. He is Chairman of the Committee on Management and Supervisory Training, Member of the Board of Governors of the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), Member of the Import/ Export/ Wholesale Trades Training Board, as well as Member of the Design Institute Advisory Board.