
其他專業課程 Other Professional Programmes 下列VTC機構成員為不同行業的在職人士提供多項實務的兼讀制短期課程,透過持續進修,全面提升專業知識與 技能。 The following VTC member institutions provide a broad spectrum of part-time short courses for working adults from various industries to enhance their professional knowledge and skills in specific areas through continuous education. 卓越培訓發展中心 Pro-Act by VTC ( 卓越培訓發展中心提供涵蓋多個不同行業的實務培訓課程, 包括汽車、電機、電子、時裝紡織、氣體燃料、珠寶、機 械、精密工程、印刷及焊接的短期培訓課程及企業培訓課 程,配合業界及業內人士的發展需要。 Pro-Act by VTC provides a diverse range of industry-specific or corporate training courses covering various industries including automobiles, electrical, electronics, fashion textiles, gas, jewellery, mechanical, precision engineering, printing and welding to meet the market needs. 酒店及旅遊學院 HTI ( 酒店及旅遊學院致力成為卓越的酒店及旅遊業培訓機構, 為旅遊業界提供人力資源,以鞏固香港作為亞洲旅遊樞紐 的領導地位。學院的課程理論與實踐並重,以配合行業需 要,內容涵蓋餐飲服務、客務營運、房務營運、酒店水 療、活動管理和旅遊服務及旅行社營運,鞏固學員根基。 The Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI) is committed to be the leading institution in hotel and tourism training in order to support Hong Kong's status as a premier travel destination in Asia. HTI offers vocational training which focuses on fundamental knowledge and practical skills to meet the needs of the industry. Programmes include Food and Beverage Service, Front Office Operations, Housekeeping Operations, Hotel Spa Therapies, Event Management as well as Tour Service and Travel Agency Operations, which lay a good foundation for students to enter into the professions. 中華廚藝學院 CCI ( 中華廚藝學院旨在提供系統化的中廚培訓學習階梯,讓有 志投身中菜行業的青年及銳意進修的在職廚師獲取專業資 格、提升中廚的專業水平及地位,以鞏固香港「亞洲美食 之都」的美譽。學院推行技能測試,銳意使香港成為區內 卓越的中廚培訓及資歷評審中心。學院亦肩負起弘揚中華 飲食文化的使命,為港人及海外旅客提供廚藝興趣班。 The Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI) endeavours to provide systematic training in Chinese cuisine for beginners and practicing chefs to obtain professional qualifications. It also aims to elevate the professional standard and status of Chinese chefs in order to strengthen Hong Kong's reputation as the "Culinary Capital of Asia". Furthermore, CCI strives to establish Hong Kong as a regional training and accreditation centre in Chinese cuisine by introducing trade testing. To promote the deep-rooted heritage of Chinese culinary arts, CCI offers culinary interest courses for locals and tourists alike. 82