
兼讀制進修階梯 Progression Ladder for Part-time Study 備註 Notes: 1. 學生可因應興趣和需要,選讀適合自己的職專文憑課程。課程設有職專證書 (CVE) 及職專文憑 (DVE) 學銜。職專文憑的畢業生, 符合報讀高級文憑課程的一般入學條件 (設有特定入學條件的課程除外)。職專文憑課程一般入學條件請參閱第44頁。 DVE students can choose from an array of specialisations to suit their interests and needs. The DVE programmes offer two levels of awards, Certi cate of Vocational Education (CVE) and Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE). Holders of DVE are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with speci c entrance requirements). Please refer to page 45 for the general entrance requirements of DVE programmes. 2. 基礎課程文憑為新高中學制畢業生提供相關的學術及專業訓練,兼顧他們就業及繼續升學的需要。基礎課程文憑一般入學條件 請參閱第44頁。 The Diploma of Foundation Studies has the dual objectives of preparing HKDSE graduates for employment and further studies by equipping them with soft skills and trade-related knowledge. Please refer to page 45 for the general entrance requirements of Diploma of Foundation Studies. 3. 高級文憑課程採用靈活的單元儲修及學分制,學生可因應個人興趣和需要,選擇完成相關的單元,以取得文憑或高級文憑資歷。 高級文憑一般入學條件請參閱第44頁。 Higher Diploma programmes are operated on a exible module-accumulated and credit-based system. Students can study relevant modules according to their interest and needs for pursuing a Diploma or Higher Diploma award. Please refer to page 45 for the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma. 4. THEi高科院提供學位銜接課程予相關的高級文憑畢業生。 THEi admits graduates from relevant Higher Diploma programmes into the senior years of its Degree programmes. 5. 高級文憑畢業生可申請報讀 SHAPE 與海外大學協辦的學士學位銜接課程或由本地或海外大學開辦的學士學位課程。 Higher Diploma graduates can apply for admission to top-up Degree programmes offered by SHAPE in collaboration with overseas universities, or Degree programmes offered by local or overseas universities. 職專證書課程 Certificate of Vocational Education Programmes 職專文憑課程1 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes1 基礎課程文憑2 Diploma of Foundation Studies2 高級文憑課程3 Higher Diploma Programmes3 學士學位課程4 Degree Programmes4 銜接學士學位課程5 Top-up Degree Programmes5 學士學位課程5 Degree Programmes 5 完成中六 (新高中學制) Completion of S6 (under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure) 完成中三或以上 Completion of Secondary 3 or above 香港中學文憑考試 / 香港高級程度會考畢業生 HKDSE HKALE 8