
職專證書 Certificate of Vocational Education 空調製冷 Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration FS312980 開辦分校 Offering Campus YC(PF) 修讀期 Study Duration@ 3 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation 182 入學條件 Entrance Requirements 完成中三 或 同等學歷#,並由僱主保送 Completion of Secondary 3 OR Equivalent# AND Sponsored by Employer 本課程涵蓋空氣調節、冷凝及各類冷凍機械的知識和操作原理,提供全面的訓練。除基本的工程技術與技能訓練外,課程 亦教授空調製冷原理、屋宇裝備技術、屋宇裝備工程繪圖、空調及通風系統、製冷系统、空調系統基本測試與調試、採 暖、通風及空調設備安裝及維修等,讓畢業生能做到日新月異的空氣調節及冷凝系統安裝及維修的要求。 本課程已獲香港特區政府機電工程署認可為符合「R級電業工程人員註冊證明書」的學歷要求。畢業生可受聘為空氣調節 及冷凝技工,或在工程行業擔任技術輔助員或推銷員。學生完成課程後,加上相關電業工程工作經驗,可申請註冊為「R 級電業工程人員」。 The programme covers areas of knowledge and technological concepts in the field of air-conditioning and refrigeration. It provides students with all-rounded training, which includes basic technical knowledge and techniques as well as training areas like Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Principles, Building Services Engineering Technology, Building Services Engineering Drawing, Air-conditioning and Ventilation System, Refrigeration System, Basic Testing and Commissioning in Air conditioning System, HVAC Facilities Installation and Maintenance, etc. It serves as a strong foundation for students to cope with the advancement and changing needs in the relevant field. The programme is recognised by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the HKSAR as satisfying the academic requirements for the registration as Grade R Electrical Worker. Graduates may be employed in the field of airconditioning and refrigeration as craftsmen, technical assistants or sales. With relevant electrical working experience, they may apply for Grade R Electrical Worker registration. ※ 部分課程安排在YC(KC)上課。 Some classes will be conducted at YC(KC). @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課1日及1 - 2晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by YC, on average 1 day and 1 - 2 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. ※ 62