
升讀大學途徑 Progression Pathways to Universities 才晉高等教育學院 School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) 才晉高等教育學院與備受國際認可的英國、澳洲及內地大學合作,為VTC高級文憑畢業生及持副學位之人 士提供銜接學士學位課程,並為在職人士提供升讀學位課程的機會。 In collaboration with world-recognised universities from the UK, Australia, and Mainland China, SHAPE offers top-up degree programmes across a wide range of professions to VTC's higher diploma graduates and eligible sub-degree holders, and provide working adults with an opportunity to pursue further study at degree level in Hong Kong. 英國 UK 澳洲 Australia 內地 Mainland China SHAPE伙伴大學 Partner Universities of SHAPE 6