網絡工程及保安 Network Engineering and Security FS313471 開辦分校 Offering Campus YC(KF) 修讀期 Study Duration@ 2 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation 級別二或以下單元 Modules at Level 2 or below 139 級別三或以上單元 Modules at Level 3 or above 143 入學條件 Entrance Requirements 完成一年有關培訓並已加入職學計劃 Completed 1-year training and joined Earn and Learn Scheme 本課程教授有關網絡工程及保安行業所需的基本知識與技能,內容包括網絡佈線訓練、雲端系統的應用與管理、網絡安全 及網絡管理。 畢業生可從事網絡工程及保安的相關工作,並可投身下列專業:數據佈線技術員、雲端服務支援技術員、網絡技術員、數 據中心操作員和資訊系統技術員等。 The programme covers fundamental knowledge and practical skills required in network engineering and security. It covers Network Cabling, Cloud Application and Administration, Network Security and Administration. Graduates may be employed in the servicing areas of network engineering and security. They may work in the areas of network cabling technicians, cloud support technicians, information networking technicians, data center operators and information system technicians, etc. @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課1日及1 - 2晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by YC, on average 1 day and 1 - 2 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. DVE-ELS DVE-ELS 氣體燃料工程 Gas Services Engineering FS313473 開辦分校 Offering Campus YC(KC) 修讀期 Study Duration@ 2 年 Years 畢業所需修讀學分 Required No. of Credits for Graduation 級別二或以下單元 Modules at Level 2 or below 138 級別三或以上單元 Modules at Level 3 or above 152 入學條件 Entrance Requirements 完成一年有關培訓並已加入職學計劃 Completed 1-year training and joined Earn and Learn Scheme 本課程教授有關氣體燃料工程行業所需的知識及技能訓練,涵蓋燃氣裝配工藝學、非住宅式及工業氣體喉管、供應系統和 設備維修服務與應用、氣體安全及監管制度、工商業氣體設備設計與應用及電學原理等。 畢業生可具資格註冊成為一至八類合資格氣體工程人員。 The programme covers mainly knowledge and practical skills required in gas services engineering industry. It covers Gas Fitting Technology, Non-domestic and Industry Gas Services and Applications, Gas Safety Regulatory Regime, Commercial and Industry Gas Burning Equipment Design & Application and Electrical Theory, etc. Graduates are eligible to register as class 1 to 8 Registered Gas Installer (RGI). @ 學生須按學院的編排修讀課程,每星期平均上課1日及1 - 2晚,每學年一般3個學期。 Students are required to follow the programme arrangements stipulated by YC, on average 1 day and 1 - 2 evenings per week, normally 3 semesters per academic year. 有關課程的最新及詳細資料,請瀏覽https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and detailed information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 職專文憑 Diploma of Vocational Education 57 課程資料 Programme Information 日間兼讀制課程 PTD Programmes