
學歷 如申請人於2012 – 2024年度期間考獲香港中 學文憑考試成績,招生處將從香港考試及評 核局抽取紀錄。 如申請人曾參加香港高級程度會考及/或香港 中學會考,請上載成績單副本。 如申請人為VTC畢業生,招生處會向相關的VTC 機構成員抽取申請人所取得由VTC頒授的學歷。 如申請人持有其他學歷,如其他本地學歷、內 地學歷、其他非本地學歷、毅進文憑 / 應用教 育文憑等;及/或相關工作證明文件,請在相 關資料欄填上有關資料,並上載成績單 / 有關 文件副本。 如申請人將於2024年取得毅進文憑 / 應用教育 文憑學歷,應盡早將有關成績單 / 證書副本交 往第一課程選擇之首選分校的學院秘書處。 申請人或須參加面試及/或測試。招生處 會於面試 / 測試前3個工作天透過「VTC網 上入學申請系統」/ 電郵 / 短訊通知申請 人有關安排。 補充資料 如申請人於2024年9月1日或以前年滿21歲但 不符合夜間兼讀制課程的入學要求,可選擇 以年長生身份報讀課程。請在補充資料欄填 上有關資料,並上載工作證明等文件副本。 申請人需要證明對所報讀的課程有充份興 趣、能力與有關知識以使能順利完成學業。 學院將個別考慮年長生的入學申請,申請並 無優先權,而分派予未符合入學條件年長生 申請人的學額有限。 如申請人具特殊教育需要,請在補充資料欄填寫 有關資料,並上載相關文件副本。詳情請瀏覽 入學網頁(。 Academic Qualifications If applicants will / have taken the HKDSE during 2012 to 2024, examination results will be extracted from the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. If applicants have taken the HKALE and/or HKCEE, please upload copies of the result slips. If applicants are VTC graduates, their academic qualifications awarded by VTC will be extracted from respective member institutions. If applicants have obtained other qualifications such as other local qualifications, qualifications obtained in Mainland China, other nonlocal qualifications, Yi Jin Diploma / Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education; and/or relevant working experiences documents, please provide details in the relevant sections and upload copies of the result slips / relevant documents. Applicants who will obtain Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education in 2024 should submit copies of the result slip / certificate to the Campus Secretariat of the first campus preference of the first programme choice as soon as possible. Applicants who are required to attend interview / test will be notified of the arrangements 3 working days before the interview / test via "VTC Web-based Admissions System" / email / SMS. Supplementary Information Applicants who are aged 21 or above on or before 1 September 2024 and do not meet the entrance requirements for PTE programmes may apply for admission as a Mature Applicant. Please provide relevant details in the Supplementary Information section and upload copies of employment record(s) and other relevant documents. Applicants must demonstrate sufficient motivation, knowledge, potential and ability to make it likely they would complete the programme successfully. Applications from mature applicants will be considered on an individual basis and will not have priority over other applicants, and only a limited number of places are offered to suitable mature applicants. For Applicants with Special Educational Needs, please provide details in the Supplementary Information section and upload copies of relevant documents. Please visit the Admissions Homepage ( for details. 入學申請 Application 面試 / 測試 Interviews / Tests 42