入學申請 Application 本簡介所列載之課程接受本地申請人申請。2024/25 學年 IVE / HKDI / HKIIT / YC 夜間兼讀制高級文憑、基礎課程 文憑、職專文憑、職專證書及證書課程入學申請︰ Programmes listed in this prospectus accept applications from local applicants. Application for IVE / HKDI / HKIIT / YC Part-time Evening Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies, Diploma of Vocational Education, Certificate of Vocational Education and Certificate programmes for the academic year 2024/25: 申請日期 Application Period 2024年5月10日至6月17日 10 May to 17 June 2024 申請方法 Application Method 透過「VTC網上入學申請系統」遞交申請 Apply via "VTC Web-based Admissions System" (https://admission.vtc.edu.hk/onlineform) 申請流程 Application Process 於6月17日或之前透過「VTC網上入學申請系統」 遞交入學申請及繳交申請費 Submit online application via "VTC Web-based Admissions System" and pay application fee on or before 17 June 開課 Class Commencement 面試 / 測試 (如適用):7月5至13日 Interview / Test (if applicable): 5 to 13 July 取錄結果公布:7月30日 (中午12時) Announcement of Offer Results: 30 July (12:00 noon) 未獲取錄 Not given an offer 成功獲正式取錄 Given a firm offer 辦理註冊手續 Complete Registration 課程餘額申請:8月6日 (中午12時) Application for Programmes with Available Study Places: 6 August (12:00 noon) 成功獲正式取錄 Given a firm offer 辦理註冊手續:7月30日至8月5日 Complete Registration: 30 July to 5 August 申請日期 Application Period 40 本地申請人的定義 Definition of Local Applicants