
香港作為亞洲國際都會,其酒店及旅遊業的服務水平一直享負盛名。而隨著近年酒店及旅遊業全面復甦,多個大型展 覽場地及活動逐漸開幕,康體文娛及運動行業亦正蓬勃發展,加速人才需求。IVE酒店及旅遊學科的兼讀制課程,涵 蓋酒店及餐飲、葡萄酒及烈酒、康體文娛管理、體適能教練、泳池及水療機構衛生及安全等多個範疇。課程設計緊貼 行業發展及人力需求,糅合理論及實務培訓,讓有志提升專業及晉升的業界專才,把握工餘時間繼續進修,為將來晉 升管理層作好準備。 Hong Kong being the Asia's World City is renowned for its high level of professionalism and service standards in the hospitality and tourism industry. With the recent recovery of hospitality and tourism industry, several large exhibition venues and events have gradually opened up and the rapid development in the sports and leisure industry, thus accelerating talent demand. IVE Hospitality Discipline offers industry-relevant part-time programmes, such as Hotel & Catering, Wine and Spirits, Leisure and Recreation Management, Fitness Coach, as well as Safety and Hygiene for Swimming Pool and Spa which are supported by excellent facilities and well-balanced curricula. By adopting a practical approach to the programmes, industry practitioners can upgrade their supervisory skills and knowledge which will prepare them for promotion in the highly competitive job market. 酒店及旅遊 Hospitality 22