升讀大學 畢業生可報讀本地及海外大學相關學位課程。為 鼓勵終生學習,職業訓練局轄下的才晉高等教育 學院,聯同下列海外大學,提供銜接學位課程予 工程學科畢業生繼續升學: 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 英國考文垂大學 英國中央蘭開夏大學 英國西英格蘭大學 專業認可 本學科的課程獲得多個專業團體和政府部門認 可,例如: 香港工程師學會 香港營造師學會 香港測量師學會 英國皇家特許測量師學會 香港工程監督學會 香港汽車工業學會 香港特區政府民航處 香港特區政府機電工程署 香港特區政府屋宇署 Vplus工程專才 Vplus工程專才 (前稱「工程專才進修資助計劃」 (ETSS)) 由香港特別行政區政府批准撥款推行,蓋 涵於Vplus專才資助之內。Vplus工程專才旨在鼓 勵在職人士持續進修,爭取更高學歷,協助他們 在社會向上流動,同時提升建築及工程行業專業 人才的水平。學生修讀指定VTC的建築、工程等 學科的兼讀制專業課程,可申請Vplus工程專才。 符合相關申請條件的學生可獲退還合資格課程 60%的學費,上限為每人港幣45,000元。 有關資助計劃詳情,請參閱 https://vplus.vtc.edu.hk/eng 就業前景 畢業生可出任助理工程師、工程監督、測量主 任、建築及室內設計師、環境技術主任、保養工 程監工、工程安全監督主任、屋宇檢驗員、項目 統籌員、產品設計師、建築資訊模型 (BIM) 技術 員 / 顧問或技術主任等職位。 Articulation Graduates may apply for relevant degree programmes offered by the local and overseas universities. To encourage life-long learning, SHAPE of VTC in collaboration with the following overseas universities, offers top-up degree programmes to graduates of Engineering Discipline: RMIT University, Australia Coventry University, UK University of Central Lancashire, UK University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), UK Professional Recognition Programmes offered by the Discipline are recognised by various professional bodies and government departments, including: Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors The Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works The Institute of the Motor Industry Hong Kong The Civil Aviation Department of the HKSAR The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the HKSAR The Buildings Department of the HKSAR Vplus Engineering Vplus Engineering (previously called the "Engineering Training Subsidy Scheme" (ETSS)) is part of the Vplus Subsidy Scheme, which supported by the HKSAR Government for promotion of lifelong learning. To encourage working adults to pursue higher qualifications geared towards upward mobility while promoting professionalism in construction and engineering disciplines. Vplus Engineering will subsidise students pursuing the designated VTC professional part-time programmes. Students fulfilling the application criteria will be refunded 60% of eligible programmes' tuition fees, subject to a maximum of HK$45,000 per person. For details of the subsidy scheme, please visit the website at https://vplus.vtc.edu.hk/eng Career Prospects Graduates may usually be hired as assistant engineers, work supervisors, survey officers, architectural and interior designers, environmental officers, maintenance supervisors, construction safety supervisors, building inspectors, project coordinators, product designers, BIM technicians / consultants and technical officers. 17