
香港素有亞洲創意之都的美譽,透過千變萬化的創新意念及產品迎合環球良機,並藉以帶來龐大的經濟效益。 為配合政府在文化及創意產業的發展,設計學科經由香港知專設計學院 (HKDI) 一直提供高質素專業設計教育,培育 知識、專業精神兼備的新人才,以促進及鞏固香港創意工業發展,滿足各行業對創新設計與日俱增的需求。 Hong Kong has emerged as one of the regional creative capitals, where innovation creates global values and opportunities and generates enormous economic value. In support of the government policy on developing the cultural and creative industries, Design Discipline provides through Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) the quality design education that cultivates knowledge, professionalism and new talents facilitating the prosperity of the creative industries and responding to the growing demand for design innovation of enterprises. 設計 Design 13