
健康及生命科學是現今社會不斷研究及發展的重要課題之一,所涵蓋的範疇非常廣泛,並且與日常生活息息相關,而 相關的技術及科技亦不斷發展。 因應市場對行業專才的龐大需求及迅速的發展,健康及生命科學學科致力提供專業及適時的教育和訓練,開辦一系列 專業課程,包括醫療保健、復康服務、醫務中心營運、應用營養學、生物醫學、藥劑科學、配藥學、生物科技、食品 科技及安全、化驗科學、個人護理及美容產品學、環境科學、環境保護及環境管理、保育及樹木管理、職業安全及緊 急應變、體適能及運動營養學、寵物護理及保健等,為學生提供職業訓練及為升學打好基礎。同學畢業後可即時投身 專業行列或選擇繼續升學,成為專業人才。 One of the major topics around the world is the ever-changing and development of health and life sciences, covering a wide range of areas and closely related to daily life with the new discoveries and advancement of related technology. Health and Life Sciences Discipline continuously enhances the quality of the programmes to address the huge manpower needs in various areas and stays updated amongst the industries, as well as provides professional and timely education and training in response to these new horizons, which includes the areas of Health Studies, Rehabilitation Services, Medical Centre Operations, Applied Nutritional Studies, Biomedical Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Dispensing Studies, Biotechnology, Food Technology and Safety, Analytical Science, Beauty and Personal Care Products, Environmental Science, Environmental Protection and Management, Conservation and Tree Management, Occupational Safety and Emergency Operations, Fitness and Exercise Nutrition and Pet Care and Wellness. Students are equipped with professional knowledge and skills which allow them to pursue further studies or embark on a professional career. 健康及生命科學 Health and Life Sciences 10