Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

118 職專文憑課程 DIPLOMA OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES 為配合學生廣泛的興趣和社會的需求, 職專文憑 (DVE) 共設有 17 個課程於商業 與服務、工程及設計與資訊科技範疇。部 分課程更設有分流選擇,以加強學生在 該專科的知識及技能。課程中有部份單 元是以中文授課及評核。中六離校生一般 可於一年 ( 三學期 ) 完成課程,取得職專文 憑 (DVE) 學歷。 Seventeen Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) programmes covering Business and Services, Engineering, and Design and Information Technology, cater for a broad range of interests and demands of the society. Students may also join the specialised stream in their chosen programme that best suit their development needs. For some modules of the programmes, the medium of instruction and assessments is Chinese. Secondary 6 school leavers can normally obtain a DVE award through one year (three semesters) of full-time study.