Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

56 57 何嘉怡 HEr Ka Yi 社會工作高級文憑 香港理工大學社會工作 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士 註冊社會工作者(註冊社工) 東華三院社會服務科學校社會工作服務學校社工 Graduate of HD in Social Work BA (Hons) in Social Work, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Registered Social Workers (RSW) School Social Worker, School Social Work Service, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 幼兒、長者及社會服務 Childcare, Elderly and Community Services 在 IVE 的學習成為我人生的轉捩點。 IVE 的老師透過身教啟 發我對社會工作的熱誠,明白社會工作不可只當作一份工 作,而是要用心對服務使用者。除此以外,在 IVE 學習到社 會工作的實務知識,令我在知識及態度上有專業的裝備。 Learning at IVE was a turning point in my life. Teacher in IVE has inspired me to be a passionate social worker. Their teaching enthusiasm let me experience that social work cannot be treated as a job, but being devoted in serving people in need. In addition, the practical knowledge of social work learnt at IVE, equipped me with professional knowledge and attitude.