Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

學生成就 Student Achievements VTC 學生積極參與不同類型的比賽和活動,應用從學習所得的專業知識和技能,發揮所長,在比賽中屢獲殊榮。 VTC students actively participated in varieties of competitions and activities. Applying the knowledge skills learned from their studies, they are honoured to be awarded for their efforts. p 在俄羅斯喀山舉行的「世界技能大賽」中,奪得網站全 端科技項目優異獎章。 Medallion for Excellence winner in Web Technologies WorldSkills Competition Kazan, Russia t 在俄羅斯喀山舉行的「世 界技能大賽」中,獲得美 髮項目優異獎章。 Medallion for Excellence in Hairdressing WorldSkills Competition Kazan, Russia t 肯亞行 學生運用所學改善居民生活 Students use the skills they learnt to help improve lives in Kenya p 於「波爾多品酒杯香港賽」奪亞。 Winning first runner-up prize in the Left Bank Bordeaux Cup on the strength of blind tasting p 於「香港智營設計大賞」 2019 概念組 ( 學生組 ) 奪得金 獎及綠色環保大獎。 Awarded Gold Award and Green Award in the Conceptual Group Student Division of HKSDA 2019 p 第 12 屆「商業策劃大比拼」中勇奪「創意卓越殊榮」、 「最具人氣隊伍」及「優異隊伍」三個獎項。 Winning three prizes in the 12 th ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition: Creative Excellence Award, Merit award and My Favourite Team ▲ 世界太陽能車挑戰賽 2019 「 Cruiser Class 」賽事第三名 Won the 3rd Place in the Cruiser Class of the World Solar Challenge (WSC) 2019 p 「寧波國際青年廚師挑戰賽」勇奪 3 金 1 銀。 Winning Three gold prizes and one silver in Ningbo International Young Chefs Challenge 162 163