Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

12 13 獎學金、獎勵及資助計劃 SCHOLARSHIPS, AWARD AND SUBSIDY SCHEMES 受惠於香港特別行政區政府、工商界、專業團體及熱心人士的慷慨捐助, VTC 於 2018/19 學年,頒發超過港幣 4 千萬 元的獎學金,以表揚逾 4,000 名表現出色的學生,和鼓勵同學積極參與全人發展活動。此外,香港特別行政區政府亦 推出專上學生海外交流資助計劃,資助同學參與海外交流活動。 The VTC receives generous donations of scholarships from various partners including the Government of HKSAR, the industries, professional bodies and individuals. Scholarships totaling over HK$40 million are awarded to some 4,000 students in the academic year of 2018/19 in recognition of their outstanding achievements and to encourage their all- rounded development. Besides, The Government of HKSAR has introduced schemes for subsidy on exchange for post- secondary students to subsidise students to participate in outbound exchange programmes. VTC 設有入學獎勵計劃,獎勵以優良成績入讀學士學位 及高級文憑課程的新生。 VTC has set up admission scholarship schemes to award and recognise new students enrolling in Degree and Higher Diploma programmes who achieved outstanding results in their academic results prior to joining VTC. 學士學位課程獎學金計劃 Degree Programme Scholarship Schemes 高級文憑課程卓越新生獎學金計劃 Higher Diploma Programme Outstanding Achievements Admission Scholarship Scheme 廠商會檢定中心卓越新生獎學金 CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories Admission Scholarship 卓越表現獎學金為表揚及獎勵在 VTC 就讀期間有傑出表現 的學生。 These scholarships aim to recognise and reward students who have achieved outstanding performance during their studies in VTC. 伍達倫博士紀念傑出學生獎勵計劃 Dr Ng Tat-lun Memorial Outstanding Students Award Scheme 香港特別行政區政府獎學基金/自資專上教育基金 The HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund / Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund 外展參與獎學金 / 資助計劃為鼓勵 VTC 學生參與外展及交流活動以擴闊視野及增潤個人履歷。 These scholarships/subsidy schemes aim to encourage students to participate in out-reaching and exchange activities to broaden their outlook and enrich their personal portfolios. 香港特別行政區政府海外交流資助計劃 The HKSAR Government Subsidy Schemes for Exchange Activities 楊啟彥先生紀念獎學金 Mr Yeung Kai-yin Memorial Scholarship 旨在為有志前往英國留學的應用科學、工程或資 訊科技學科全日制高級文憑準畢業生提供經濟資 助。獎學金包括兩年的學費、住宿費、生活費及 來回機票費用;得獎者每年的資助金額達 27,500 英鎊。自 2004 年設立至今,已有超過 140 位 IVE 全 日制高級文憑畢業生透過賀維雅基金會獎學金遠 赴英國留學修讀學士課程。逾半數得獎人其後分 別在英國或香港再取得碩士學歷,部分更成功完 成博士學位課程。 provides graduates of full-time Higher Diploma programmes in the Applied Science, Engineering, and Information Technology disciplines with financial assistance of up to £ 27,500 a year for pursuing further studies at universities in the UK. The scholarships cover their tuition and accommodation fees, living expenses and air fares for two academic years. Since the establishment of the Scholarship in 2004, more than 140 IVE Higher Diploma graduates have been awarded scholarships under the scheme to complete their undergraduate studies in the UK; more than half of the Scholars have obtained Master ’ s degrees in either the UK or Hong Kong, while some of them have completed their Doctorate studies. 升學獎學金為協助 VTC 學生在畢業後在本地或到海外升學,以助他們在事業上進一步實踐理想。 These scholarships assist outstanding VTC students to pursue further studies after their graduation, both locally and overseas, and enable them to realize their career aspirations . 香港賽馬會獎學金 - 職業教育獎學金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Vocational Education Scholarship 扶輪香港職訓獎學金 Rotary Hong Kong Vocational Scholarship 新生入學獎學金 Scholarships for New Students 卓越表現獎學金 Scholarships to recognise Outstanding Performance 外展參與獎學金及資助計劃 Scholarships/Subsidy Schemes to encourage Out-reaching Participation 升學獎學金 Scholarship for Further Studies 譚漷浩 Donald TAM 測量學高級文憑 英國雷丁大學工料測量一級榮譽學士 現就讀倫敦大學學院(UCL)環境設計與工程碩士 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Surveying BSc Quantity Surveying, University of Reading, UK (First Class Honours) Now Studying MSc Environmental Design and Engineering, University College London (UCL) 請瀏覽入學網頁 ( ) 查閱有關以上及其他獎學金及獎勵計劃資料。 Please visit the Admissions Homepage ( ) for information of the above and other Scholarship and Award Schemes. 賀維雅基金會獎學金 Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship